The Turkish authorities refuse currently, many foreign journalists accreditation – among them also German correspondent. Now has turned the Federal government.
The Federal government has not invited Turkey to hinder the work of foreign correspondents in the country. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said, a number of German and other European journalists waiting in Turkey to the necessary press accreditation. Press freedom is a great Good, stressed Steffen Seibert.
For journalists it is essential to be able to your activity free. In an interview with the Turkish authorities, the Federal government is set to ensure that German journalists will.
“Completely incomprehensible decision”
information about the exact number of the affected journalists made by the Federal government. It is known that the ZDF correspondent Joerg Brase, the renewal of accreditation was denied, as the journalist Thomas Seibert, the works for the “daily mirror”. He had received an email of the information Department of the Turkish President’s administration, said Steffen Seibert, the AFP news Agency. Reasons had not been mentioned therein. Seibert was accredited in 22 years as a Journalist in Turkey.
Seibert wants to appeal against the objection decision, as well as the ZDF. Bettina Schausten, Deputy editor-in-chief, described the actions of Turkey as completely incomprehensible. “We can only hope that the Turkish authorities reconsider their decision.”
press map = permission to stay
two months after the expiry of the old press card of the year, approximately 80 foreign journalists are still waiting in Turkey on the press card, such as from informed circles it became known. Including many Germans. The press card is usually the prerequisite for the granting of a residence permit.