Cat owners and holder shall not be obliged to make their animals an electronic Chip to use. The Federal Council has applied to the Parliament, a Motion in this matter be rejected.

The push comes from the science Commission of the national Council (WBK). This calls for a mandatory electronic identification of all cats. Unidentified cats shall be allowed to be sterilized without the consent of the owner or of the owner.

In Switzerland there are over 100 000 stray cats, argued the Commission. These often suffered from diseases. The electronic identification would allow to distinguish feral cats from those that have an owner or an owner. In this way, castration campaigns were targeted to perform.

With the labeling of runaway cats could be returned easier of the owners, writes the Commission. In the case of traffic accidents, you could be quickly identified. For dogs duty for years applicable.

propagation could not prevent

The Federal Council of which holds nothing. An obligation for all Cat owners and holders for the identification and registration of their animals would not be exaggerated, but not really effective, he writes in his published on Thursday, opinion on the proposal. An excessive multiplication of the cats, you could prevent that.

For dogs had been introduced to the identification and mandatory registration as a result of the discussions over dangerous dogs, is the Federal Council to consider. In the case of the cats, no comparison was similar public interest in such a measure.

cantons would be sensible for the considerable expense

The Federal food safety and veterinary and inform the Public about the registration and neutering of cats, writes the Federal Council.

The enforcement of animal protection legislation, but the responsibility of the cantons. In individual cases, the cantonal authorities had the option of castration or sterilization of a cat to be arranged.

Some of the cantons and municipalities resulted in targeted spay / neuter and sterilization programs for stray cats. The public Hand to the castration of all scattering would have to be cats to take care of, this would be for the competent cantons and the municipalities with a considerable effort. (Lejla/sda)

Created: 14.11.2019, 15:48 PM