The dispute about possible collusion between Donald Trump and Russia in the U.S. presidential election of 2016, wins again on sharpness. U.S. special investigator Robert Mueller accused justice Secretary, William Barr, in a Wednesday known Letter to have the results of his investigation falsify.

Barr’s four-page summary does not capture “full context, nature and content” of his 450-page report, Mueller, according to the Washington Post. Thus, the Minister had contributed to the “public confusion”. Mueller had found no evidence of a criminal cooperation between trump’s campaign team and Russia, the President but not from the allegations of possible obstruction of Justice relieved.

The Democrats by Mueller’s letter in its view, confirmed that the Minister of justice informed the Public in a way the investigation was biased.

Trumps action against the transparency of its finances

The Minister of justice to see clearly, not as an advocate for all Americans, but as a personal lawyer of the President, the need of his office to protect Trump, said democratic Senator Chris Coons. Other Democrats, such as Senator Chris Van Hollen called on Barr to resign.

This is the best ride in front of the judiciary Committee of the Senate of misconduct. The goal of his writing was not, the Report is to summarise the said Barr at the hearing. He didn’t want to call in view of the great public interest only to a few conclusions. Barr stressed that he had offered to Mueller, his four-page letter in advance to view, “but he refused”.

Trump self-made, meanwhile, to take further legal steps to obstruct the Congress, the crawl of his private finances. The President filed in a court in New York institution Capital One, a lawsuit against Deutsche Bank and the US-with which he wants to prevent both institutions to provide an arrangement of the house of representatives result and business documents to the members. Deutsche Bank had repeatedly declared that it will cooperate with the Parliament.

Trumps house Bank

The Frankfurt money house for a long time was something like trump’s in-house Bank. At the same time, the Institute was involved in several scandals in which clients black money from Russia are washed.

The US-Democrats suspect that the Institute also Trump for his possible contacts to Russia. There are, however, no evidence.

In its application, trump’s lawyers accuse the competent committees of the house of representatives, you are not to enlightenment, but to bully the President””. The Committee Chairman, rejected the criticism and accused, in turn, Trump, to interfere with his “blockade policy” the work of the Congress.

With his action, will not prevent Trump the good, but certainly can be delayed. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 01.05.2019, 18:58 PM