The US media carried out reports of a cyber attack against Iran. According to the “Washington Post” began drone attack after the Downing of a reconnaissance. Aim of the revolution had been the garden.

After the shooting down of a US reconnaissance drone by Iran, the United States of the US have started-according to media reports, cyber attacks against the Iranian revolutionary guards. US President, Donald Trump got this approved.

Originally planned as a retaliation for gas attacks

According to the Washington Post, which cites several unnamed individuals referred to were the cyber-attacks since weeks. Accordingly, the U.S. Department of defense suggested this, after the US made the Iran for avcılar escort attacks on two oil Tankers in the Gulf of Oman in the middle of the month responsible. The newspaper writes, the attack by the Cyber-command had placed military control systems of the revolutionary guards in Iran lame, but has not led to human Victims. The United States classify the revolutionary guard as a terrorist.

One of the attacks was, therefore, the Iranian computers, with launches of rockets and missiles to be monitored. In The Case Of “Yahoo! News,” it said, citing two former Intelligence officials, the US cyber attacks have also made a reconnaissance network, the ships in the Strait of Hormuz observed.

The “Washington Post” also reported, the U.S. Department of homeland security have warned industry representatives and public authorities on Saturday that Iran had increased its cyber attacks on key sectors such as the energy sector. Iran had the potential to disrupt computer systems or destroy. The US Department of defense declined to comment to the media reports.

The alleged Remains of a downed U.S. drone will be presented by the Iranian revolutionary guard.

Iran makes U.S. for Stuxnet responsible

It is not the first cyber attacks in the nuclear conflict between the USA and Iran. In 2010, Tehran accused the US and Israel to have the “Stuxnet”computer virus designed to hit Iran’s nuclear facilities. “Stuxnet” had affected thousands of Iranian computers and centrifuges for the enrichment of uranium blocks. It is believed that Iran has expanded its cyber capabilities in the meantime.

The revolutionary guards had in late on Wednesday night, a U.S. reconnaissance drone with a ground-to-air missile shot down. Trump had stopped in a Friday prepared against stroke, according to his words a few minutes before his execution, because he considered according to his information, 150 feared Iranian deaths in comparison to the launch of an unmanned aircraft is disproportionate.

report in the “Washington Post” to the cyber attack (English) Iran threatens US with the consequences of border violations, 22.06.2019 news Atlas |USA |Washington D. C.
