were Truly left the time will come, in which the German judge is much milder than that of today, Angela Merkel and of that turbulent year, 2015, in the hundreds of thousands of refugees into the country. A quick glance to the Japan shows why. Japan is the country with the oldest population in the world. According to the International labour organization (ILO), 22 percent of Japanese older than 65 years. In Italy and Germany, there are twenty percent. The life expectancy is increasing. More than half of the children born today in Japan, the prospect of dying in the next hundred years.

low birth rate means that The Old are always more, and they are living longer and longer. This is a global Trend, of the consequences of the industrial Nations are particularly affected. For the first Time in the history of mankind, “the Economist writes,” in its latest issue, of life in the world and more people who are older than 65 years than those younger than five. In twenty years the ratio will be two to one.

for A young company is cheaper than an old

Japan has tried everything, the dramatic impact of a rapidly ageing society to weaken. Local workers were encouraged to remain until the Pension age in the Job. More women were hired. Massively invested in the robotic technology to productivity to compensate for losses.

Nevertheless, searching to 1.6 Vacancies for each Job. To compensate for this can only be achieved by immigration. To hundreds of thousands of new foreign workers in the country. Experts estimate the needs of the third-largest world economy in more than a Million in addition. Even now, the number of so-called “Trainees” amounts to almost 1.5 million. Their families are not allowed to bring with you. This should be an integration of political error.

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Young companies with high costs of education and low Work, a rain of entrepreneurial spirit with a large appetite for risk. Old companies have issues low levels of education, but very high health and Pension, innovations are rather rare. A young company is cheaper than an old one. She is also more open to reforms, immigration, and multi-national alliances. No coincidence that the followers of Donald Trump and the Brexiteers consists mostly of seniors.

Here is the vicious circle begins. A vergreis the end of the society in which fewer and fewer young people, the cost of more and more needy old generate, is dependent on young, foreign workers. However, because a vergreis behaves in a society that politically mostly conservative, decreases their willingness to tolerance of immigration.

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Like us, the times of Japan, the country of the Schwächelns

Ulrike Scheffer

About the refugee policy of the Federal government around the year 2015, the change was not voted on. This could happen, what had to happen for the good of the country. The willingness of a large part of the population was in humanitarian terms by way of example and in economic terms is necessary. Who is with the aging wise, the easily.