Hasselt is A fierce and raging fire has Thursday night let the property for the wellness centre, B-Relaxed along the Headquarters in Kiewit in Hasselt was destroyed. Witnesses were shortly after 23 hours, was startled by some loud explosions. A moment later, stood the upper floor already in flames. Owner Bart Neskens try in the meantime, the welnesszaak yet again as soon as possible to open.

“We had Thursday evening still cozy a fire is lit”, the witnesses, the owners of the business. “Apparently, there is something lost with the chimney to the roof of our private parts. Probably is melted and so is the roof begin to burn.” The residents ran quickly to the outside. She jumps in a car, to that of the ramp road to pick up and at a safe distance to park. Other neighbors had to get their car moving through the whirling debris. “Upon our arrival smote all meter high flames from the roof to the outside,” says Captain Hugo Simons of fire zone South-West of Limburg. “The fire was also just on the border with the neighbouring house. Unfortunately, the flames were already to the neighbors to the skip. The wind was in the wrong direction, making the fire, as it were, to the neighbors blown. There we had to quickly open the door to break, because no one was home. We have everything set to the adjacent house as much as possible, to save.”

Wellness spared

The hit eigenaarswoning of the spa is largely destroyed. “The upper floor is completely burnt out,” said Captain Simons. “The spa area with the sauna and the swimming pool at the back is actually not damaged. We also have along behind, everything is done for that transfer to occur, and I can’t say that our troops there did a wonderful job. To the neighbors, when we go to the roof to close, there is still significant damage. They won elsewhere to stay. The exact cause of the fire has yet to be examined.” The local police Limburg Region Capital closed the Headquarters during the night during the bluswerken.

Almost anniversary

case ‘B Relaxed’ this year, the ten-year open, and could almost her anniversary celebration. “The customers of Friday, of course, we all need to afbellen,” says owner Bart Neskens. “But actually, it is welnessgebouw all intact. We only have to find a solution for the heating system, because that was still in the fire affected part. Possible we can, along with an expert this weekend to find a solution, and the matter thereby next week, back open. But that we will be together with him. We are going to our customers in any case, and we hope that everybody can use.” Fire zone South-West of Limburg was Friday morning, still busy with nablussen.