Kortrijk Pejman Foroudi (40) is a hero. The Kortrijkzaan stopped woensdagvoormiddag without hesitation in the middle of the busy ring road around Kortrijk (R8). To mama duck and her nine little ones to save from the murderous traffic. CD&V’Felix De Clerck filmed the cute and also funny scene. “A real animal lover? I just have my duty done,” says Pejman Foroudi.

Wednesday, 10.15 am. Pejman Foroudi notice on the ring road around Kortrijk, at the height of the junction with the motorway A19, mama duck with her brood. “She walked close to the central reservation and could not side out,” says the medezaakvoerder of fusion.web, a communications agency in Ypres, which specialises in webdesign, marketing and graphic design. “They were totally in panic because they have the traffic all the way against the berm pushed.”


in Order to avoid that mama duck and her nine little ones also would be, stopped Pejman Foroudi his car in the middle of the R8. “Or that not dangerous? Is good to hear. I explained the four blinkers of my car. Making the cars behind me stopped, perhaps because she thought that I had broken down. I was especially on my guard for mama duck. I thought that I would attack when I got out of the car and its direction. But they showed themselves willing to accompany together with her little ones. It felt as if I were a eendenherder was (laughs). I gave the direction, and sent them to the R8, to the side, right in the bushes and the trees. It was at that moment that Felix De Clerck me filmed and at the pass ” bravo said.”