A pink plastic tube sways in the air. At the lower end of it clasping the hands of children. “This is my world”, is on the cardboard piece at the upper end in the children’s letters. The girl clutching his globe, increases with their mother from the Polybahn, disappears in the student lot on the terrace of the ETH Zurich. “Uf de earth organic hot, climate change, the Shit”, call the students. A girl has a polar bear made of plush around the shoulders. “The Oceans are rising and so are we,” scream of 2000, students in the choir. “The oceans are rising and we do it well.”

at The same time in Bern, in front of the Gymnasium Kirchenfeld. Dozens of students have gathered, routes, signs in the air. In the Morning, a first Demonstration is held in the afternoon, a second, larger, on the Waisenhausplatz. “We are here, we are loud because they are stealing our future.”

young people fainting, offered on a glorious Friday morning in Switzerland. Not only in Zurich and Bern yesterday was a strike. In Basel, students took to the road, in Lucerne, St. Gallen, Geneva, Lausanne, neuchâtel, Fribourg, or in Aarau. More than 20’000 young people with the same concerns, the same goals.

Several Thousand students passed in Zurich, Lausanne, Bern, Luzern, Biel / Bienne and other cities on the road. Video: SDA

“was The theme of our school have always been present. It needed only a spark to start this movement.” Philippe Kramer visited the St. Leonhard Gymnasium in the old town of Basel, this summer, he makes the Matura. When he learned via Instagram from the first air strike in Zurich, he asked, how could All of this after Basel. Five days later, 1500 Basler, students went on strike.

The spark

most of you have seen on Youtube, the speech of 15-year-old Greta Thunberg, who spoke at last year’s climate conference in Poland, the politics of Conscience. Thunberg was the spark that ignited everything.

The Swede, first of all, not respected in his own country, is responsible for listening to children and young people actually. Young people, such as Jonas, a campus. On the Morning of an English exam, in the afternoon Interviews with reporters in the Foyer of the cantonal school Zurich Oberland. “We want that the climate is treated the crisis as a crisis,” he says and bites into his vegan Sandwich. For the past four years, the 17-Year-old eats no animal products. On his Laptop flashing messages in the seconds on, 35 new messages, 47 new messages, 50, 200. Kampus is a member of dozens of Whatsapp groups that organize for the strike. “Climate strike Züri”, name, “Clima Strike CH”, “Grève du climat Genève”, the “Coordination Group CSCH”.

The discussions in the Chat in a civilized manner, everyone is registered as an Admin, only Admins are allowed to write – a good remedy against Chat Trolls. The young people are using consistently Gender-star, the pupils discuss the range of fashion labels, you Logo-send your suggestions to: “let us not sell”, writes someone. “+1”, write in support of the vote. Jonas, a campus draws the attention of the Chat participants to speak always of zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030: “the NET. Is important. Otherwise we would have to breathe all stop. ;)”

Hierarchical structures, there is no

the campus has established the first climate-strike-Chat in Switzerland, and thus, a surface fire. The number of members in the Chat swelled by the Minute. “It was as if all had been waiting for, to finally be able to be active,” says campus. 14. December moved the first 400 to 500 students in front of the Zurich town house, a week later, there were 1000, and a further 3000 in Bern, Basel and St. Gallen. “4000 students without a single meeting,” says Jonas excited. The strike spilled over in the Romandie, the climate-strikers organise themselves internationally, with Germany, Belgium. At the beginning of February, the students intend to return to Basel, Lausanne, Bern, St. Gallen, Geneva and Zurich on the road. This time for a Demonstration, and campus 1000 cannot estimate how many young people help organise in Switzerland? 2000?

“My children will not know what coral reefs are.”Jonas Kampus, founder of the first climate-Chats in Switzerland

Hierarchical structures, there is no. Anyone who wants to can also. “This is a movement from the bottom, no one tells us from above, what will be done,” says campus. At the first General Assembly at the end of December 120 young people developed in the reitschule Bern. their three main demands – everything democratically. After seven hours, the three main demands of the young people.

zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, the Declaration of a climate state of emergency and a change in the System. “The growth paradigm of the industrialised world is closely linked with CO2 emissions,” says campus, “we hold that, we can tackle the climate crisis.”


the campus has grown up with the environmental changes. “My children will not know what coral reefs are,” he says. Campus, saw the “absurd” discussions in the “Arena”: “How can you have to discuss how efficient electric cars until you be worth it?”, he asks. “Worth it? What is worth even if everything breaks?” Now, a campus is yourself.

The students, printing in school, Private help with Zustüpfen, NGOs pay a bill for a permit. The Association took the boys don’t want to leave. “Anyone who shares our concerns, may support us. But it always goes in one direction only,” says Philippe Kramer in Basel.

“It takes a distance to the parties,” says Regula Rytz, President of the Green. “This is a Protest from below, that is pressure from the civil society. The world and Switzerland that can happen is nothing Better than when the young Generation to stand up and right to your future calls.”

“It has been shown clearly that these students are willing to make a special effort. That’s respectable.”Conradin Cramer, Director of Education

In the adult world, the claims don’t come anywhere as positive as you can notice at the reactions on an e-Mail from students of the cantonal school in the Oberland, which went to all of Zurich’s National and Ständeräte. In the Mail, the students will practice criticism of the Parliament – because of the failure of the CO2 act. The Mail closes with the sentence: “And remember: Many of us will choose next year for the first Time – and we are well-connected…” FDP-Nationalrat Hans-Ulrich Bigler speaks of a “verklausulierten threat”. This is a poor basis for a political dialogue.

another big issue is the regulation of the absence of the striking students, which varies from Canton to Canton. In some cantons, the teacher to press an eye, in the other hand, each strike is considered a visit with a showing up at work absence. A possible solution is now in in Basel. There a Delegation of young people has visited the Director of Education Conradin Cramer and offered to compensate for the missing hour. With an hour of voluntary work, for example, with a conservation aspect. “It has been clearly demonstrated that these students are willing to make a special effort. That’s respectable,” says Cramer. In Detail, the implementation was, however, not quite simply – the neutrality and the principle of equal treatment must be fulfilled, even if it was a use for a good cause.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 18.01.2019, 21:01 Uhr