For a new law for the holding of elections to the 12. December voted last night, 438 deputies. 20 were against it. The house of lords must give this decision today, his blessing, which, however, is considered more of a formality.

This Premier Johnson has reached his goal, to rid themselves of a representative of the people, he never had a majority. Since the Conservatives are in all polls far ahead of the Labour Party , is hoping Johnson is now on an election victory, to help him not later than the end of 2020, to a hard Brexit .

Johnson also said yesterday that new elections would be inevitable to bring the Brexit on the stage: “As this topic was debated last week, there was a single new idea, not a single new proposal, only the desire for more time, after further weeks and months.”

victory safe Corbyn

That it would come to elections, it was clear on Tuesday morning, as well as Labour-in-chief Jeremy Corbyn to the dissolution of the old Parliament said. Corbyn said, well, there is secured, at 31. October was no chaotic No-Deal-Brexit, is the way to elections will be free and he himself is full of confidence in Victory.

“I’ve always said that we are for elections,” said Corbyn. “We will now start the most radical campaign for real change our country has seen ever.” A number of Labour MPs and even members of the shadow Cabinet had mastered, however, against an immediate election.

Many Labour people feared simply an election disaster for the party in an election this Winter. Some could not accept that it is not to come before elections to a new Referendum.

Heralds a radical choice fight: Jeremy Corbyn. Photo: Reuter

In reality, they argued, was the end of the Brexit-extension phase of on 31. January or the end of 2020, still a No-Deal-Brexit is possible, if Johnson wins the elections. Doubt in the sense of faster elections expressed but also individual conservative politicians.

The former Tory Chancellor of the exchequer, Philip Hammond said, Boris Johnson wanted to use the elections to put the Conservative party “to the right”. Ex-Deputy Prime Minister, Damien Green, said that Johnson had taken a “incredibly risky” rate. The head of the government would have preferred to tick off the Brexit, and then new elections should think, Green said.

In fact, Boris Johnson, had already tried three times in vain, elections to enforce – most recently on Monday of this week. It was only when the Pro-European liberal Democrats and the Scottish national party beat him to the start of the week, surprisingly, a bridge, paving a way for the leader of the Conservative.

Against the early election date

for each their own reasons, the two smaller opposition drew the parties, and required only a brief forward of the Johnson targeted election date of 12. December. They wanted elections on 9. December –not least because British students on 12. December are often already in the Christmas holiday hazards and more in their University cities to the ballot boxes to go.

in The end, the proponents of the earlier date, the 12-accepted but. December. As the Labour Party realized that their rivals were going to vote with the government for new elections, she gave up her resistance. She didn’t want to be accused of being the only party against elections.

The Labour Party did not want to be accused of being the only party against elections.

With obvious joy agreed party chief Corbyn in the re-election plan, while many of his colleagues spoke out in anger against the December elections. Recalcitrant members sought additional amendments that called for, for example, the extension of the suffrage to 16 – and 17-Year-old and EU citizens in the UK.

So they came up short, however. The applications were not allowed to vote. The election decision came about after three failed attempts. Immediately thereafter, the campaign preparations started in all of the Camps are in full swing. Boris Johnson has allowed 10 of the recently expelled 21 of the Tory rebels, in the group return. Prominent Ex-Ministers such as Philip Hammond and Ken Clarke must, however, remain “outside”.

Created: 29.10.2019, 23:24 PM