I like the rest. She is pleasant and cozy. I enjoy them almost all year. I am in the house, which is the standard bearer instead of 3, the Guild house of the Tailors, also known as the house of the “king’s chair” or the former house of the mayor Rudolf Stüssi. My Name, my appearance and my surroundings have changed over the years: I am not, however, remained the same.

The Bay window on the third floor is my eye on the standard bearer instead. From there, I’ve been watching for the last 500 years every day people find their way through the alley. In the Morning a few, hurried over with haste. At noon businessmen, a Smartphone on the ear. In the evening, my favorite time, drive today, the noise boys around the Smartphone in the Hand. Nevertheless, it is still often surprisingly quiet in my alley.

Thai Restaurant instead of a pub

When I was young and inexperienced, taught me my former inhabitants of Rudolf Stüssi, 13. The mayor of the city of Zurich, the estimate of life value. He was on the road a lot, but the afternoons he spent at home, I enjoyed with him. Stüssi made me with its important Position in the city is famous. I enjoyed it, to be in the center. Today, I’m admired to go in the past. Only on my Bay window a lot of amazement. In my heart, but there is still much more to see.

on The ground floor, was where Stüssis times, a Beer tavern, is billeted for a few years, the Thai Restaurant, the Blue Monkey. Nicely made, but it is not my taste. I prefer Wholesome, for example, the Züri-Gschnätzlets. Many of the people of Zurich, it seems to taste. Every lunchtime, many of the storms that you to the restaurant and Buffet. Three quarters of an hour later, they leave with a smile.

To the Zünftler quiet

six bells the loudest time of the year. Men run around in various States of drunkenness wandering around. They laugh, talk, eat and drink. In the Morning, at lunch, in the evening. Continues to use the Guild to the Tailor on Tuesday night, only the homebody in the Guild hall. Then it is for the first Time during the Traditionsfests again, a little quieter in the hall. Their activities I like. A cigar light, and in the evening enjoy until the party makers no longer want to press into other overcrowded Zunftsäle and return. To my

I would not like the Zünftler because of their festivities, would be wrong. You have done me much Good. Recently you have sanded the floor of my Guild hall to be new and oiled, he needed it. Before the Second world war, they have demolished me up on some beams, and then rebuilt again. My Bay window if you have removed all the while carefully and later back at the house attached. I commend you highly.

The fresco is only one copy

the construction work have found the Zünfter also the precious fresco of the century, was hiding in between my walls. Actually, I wanted to keep it as a reminder of the past for me. The Zünftler but have given it to the state Museum. I’m satisfied with a copy. At least laugh and cry with the saints on the copy is not as loud as on the original fresco.

Until today, I have experienced the different eras of countless people, festivals and ways of thinking. I’m going to maintained so well, it will be a few more.

This Text is in the Tages-Anzeiger from the 2. March 2019 appeared. It is one of the eight texts created in the framework of the media the week of the Realgymnasium Rämibühl on the editorial Board. The two special pages with all the lyrics you can find here and here. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 05.04.2019, 16:27 PM