“you Know,” said Federal councillor Karin Keller-Sutter the other day on the edge of the Receptions, “actually, it’s not so different than back then as a councillor.”

Five months Keller-Sutter is now a Federal councillor. And so, as she moves through this body, as it directs and dominates, it seems, actually, as it made no big difference whether the free Democrat is in St. Gallen, member of the cantonal government or in Bern, Federal councillor. Where she is, she is the Boss. The Federal house of journalists swarming today as “a new Kurt Furgler”, as an exceptional talent and Überbundesrätin.

in addition to the new Federal councillor of the male colleagues still seem to be mediocre than usual.

to think The way the basement uşak escort is Sutter started in your office, should your male colleagues give. In a very short time, she has managed to bring the unions back into the boat (the free Democrat predecessor, angry), to develop a defense strategy against the termination of the initiative of the SVP and the responsibilities between the Departments to be construed as creative, it, of course it is, which is the front and the strategy presented.

in addition to the new Federal councillor of the male colleagues still seem to be mediocre than usual. What are they doing, anyway? Guy Parmelin has expressed in his first five months as economy Minister, nor any cunning thoughts (one wonders, sometimes, whether he has seen his Department change), Ueli Maurer disgraced the Switzerland in America, and Ignazio Cassis irrlichtert still cheerful by the European dossier.

And it doesn’t stop with Karin Keller – Sutter. Viola Amherd from the CVP has ripped in their first five months as head of the defense Department, probably more than their SVP-predecessor in the two decades before. Simonetta Sommaruga acts as the new head of the Department of the environment and traffic so confidently as before in the Department of justice.

women are so much better than the men in the Federal Council.

It seems, can resist this impression, is a System behind it to stick. The women in the Federal Council work better, do more, are competent, act in a straightforward, talking-to-understand. In short: you are insanely much better than the men in the Federal Council.

The Same can be said about almost all of the predecessors of the current Federal councillors. Regardless of whether you liked their political preferences, or not – women such as Doris Leuthard, Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, Ruth Dreifuss or Micheline Calmy-Rey, have moved to more and designed than their male colleagues. They were above average.

unfortunately, This shows how humble it is to the equality in politics still. If you are aiming for as a woman and 2019 in Switzerland a public Position, must make the effort still more than a man. Who wants to be taken as a woman in Swiss politics seriously needs to be more knowledge than the man next to it, work harder, be better. The System as it presents itself today, forgive cases of women only in the largest and most exception. The men you will forgive it almost always. The can allow a faux pas after the other, without having to “Huscheli” or as inferior to reduced.

True equality will only be made when there are moderate Federal councillors.

The consequence of this is banal. If a woman in a male-dominated Board, it has overcome on the way there are already so many odds, that the Chance is big that you are afraid of the adversities in the new body. You then just what you’ve always done. Work harder. Be better. Just as Karin Keller-Sutter, Viola Amherd and Simonetta Sommaruga.

True equality, so the sad conclusion is, not more will be produced, if the quality difference between the sexes in such bodies is not so clear. If it is moderate also in the medium, maybe even really bad Federal government are councillors. A woman Parmelin, perhaps, a woman is a bricklayer or a woman Cassis.


Created: 08.06.2019, 18:32 PM