Of würzburg in child porn case the city has excluded sexual abuse of two foster children of the Suspect. The 37-year-old speech therapist that is in the center of the investigation, should be made child porn with little boys in a big way, and in the so-called Darknet. The speech therapist and his Partner have cared for since years of a four year old boy and a five year old girl. In addition, the man was as a therapist in a practice, but also as a Trainer in a sports club and a consultant to a daycare center. the
of würzburg In child porn case, there are according to the findings of the city’s no evidence to suggest that the Suspect could have his foster children abused. The 37-year-old speech therapist that is in the center of the investigation, as well as his life partner, took care of a four year old boy and a five year old girl. Signs of abuse it not, but first of all confirmed a city spokesman. Previously, the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the Main-Post had reported about it. In the course of the investigation, the children had been brought to a willingness to care for parents. If you were there on the weekend and how it goes for you further, could not tell the speaker. The children are doing well but according to the circumstances. “There were no physical or mental evidence of abuse.” The investigation was initiated by the city.
The case became known last week and had a nationwide sensation. The suspect speech therapist sits in pretrial detention, his Partner had been left after the first investigation. The Suspect made child porn with little boys in a big way, and in the so-called Darknet. The Darknet is a shielded area of the Internet, many Criminals are anonymous feel. The investigators are currently examining hundreds of photos and Videos, and to go to the suspicion of severe child abuse. The speech therapist had at the various institutions in contact with children as a Trainer in a sports club. So far, he is silent on the allegations.
senior Prosecutor Christian Schorr from the Central office Cybercrime Bavaria, said it indicates there is nothing to suggest that the care children are also depicted on the recordings. “The very extensive investigation continues with regard to the victims but, of course, in all directions,” said the official of the Bamberg-based Central office on request. It was a “big jigsaw Puzzle”.
According to the city of Würzburg, the speech therapist and his Partner committed since 2014 as foster parents. For this you have been checked in detail, said the city spokesman. There had been “three extensive personal conversations”, as well as home visits and internships. A suspicion had come. Not be ruled out that the rules for foster parents to be tightened after the incident. For concrete measures, however, it is still too early. The city had initially put the focus on it, to inform anxious parents and phone numbers to put together to be able to respond to requests.