Sigmund Trondheim was known throughout the land, when he participated in the last season of ‘X Factor’ with the whole of Denmark rockmama, Sanne Salomonsen, as a mentor.

Here he was especially known for his sharp dance moves, his flamboyant personality and his honesty about it to be gay.

But in a new documentary series on DR3, that has been given the name ‘Comes He in hell?’, the danes can get even closer to the 23-year-old Sigmund. Here he talks honestly about that to come from a christian family in a small town in Jutland, denmark and his sexuality, which, according to Sigmund Trondheim has created many problems for him through life.

– We were never about that I was homosexual at home. To this day, I am still afraid, if I end up in hell. I have tried to take it up with my parents. Why we spoke not about it earlier? Why did we not svesken on the disk, reads the initial from Sigmund Trondheim and in the documentary series.

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Here he says also, that he, ever since he was little, knew that he was andereldes.

– There have been some things in my childhood, which I have been grappling with. I have never played football, I have never played computer games. I have always danced and been totally feminine. But it was never something we talked about or then did us to. I was just Sigmund. Enough is it hard and complicated to be gay in the sweet, small Jutland, but if you also grew up in a christian family, so you can go and feel really, really different and feel that you are living a sinful life. A life of shame, tells Sigmund Trondheim.

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Sigmund Trondheim and Sanne Salomonsen developed a close friendship during the ‘X Factor’. Photo: Mogens Flindt

In the documentary series follows Sigmund Trondheim, when he moves to Copenhagen in his private apartment, and when he attends his first Pride Parade. In the documentary opens the ‘X Factor’star is also up for a – according to him – very taboo topic. He has never had sex, but that he would like to make.

– Throughout my childhood I felt that I was wrong, without talking about it or know it from others, so there was just something in the air that said that I should hide from the feelings or thoughts I had. I have never actually kissed someone. I have never had sex with another person. For I am ashamed, says the 23-year-old Sigmund Trondheim.

Ífølge Sigmund Trondheim is he ready to find love. First, however, he needs to confront his parents with the fact that they never have talked about his sexuality in his childhood. Just the moment you see in the documentary.

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– I’ve missed that In the had said: ‘We love you no matter what, if you go in the boys or pigetøj. I’ve been isolated all my life and have had anxiety for sex. I have, because you have not said that ye loved me, despite the fact that I’m gay, he says to his parents.

– For us, it has been silent knowledge. We have always well known that you were different. Not if you were homosexual or not. I do not think it was important. For you are my boy, saith Trbet the Sigmund Trondheim’s mother, Lene.

Sigmund provides the gas with a ‘Bad Liar’ by Selena Gomez during ‘X Factor’. Photo: Martin Sylvest.

For Extra Magazine tells the ‘X-Factor’-the participant that it has been a great pleasure for him to be in the documentary.

– I was very much sold when I found out that DR3 had an idea that the documentary had to be about my love life, which has not always been easy for me. It has been very difficult for me to grow up and be gay, because I have some religious parents, but not themselves believers, he says, and continues:

– I think that the plot of the documentary is important, and I would like to tell my story, so others who maybe facing a similar situation, can relate to it and perhaps be helped by it, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

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According to Sigmund Trondheim, however, it has also been something of a mouthful to stand up with as personal a subject on tv.

– It has been much cross-border, but I have also really learned a lot, and it has been a relief to have said all these things and had spoken with my parents about it. There is really a stone that has fallen from my heart, says Sigmund Trondheim.

– It is as if my parents and I have become closer by being in this program, and it is nice that I now know that they are proud of me no matter what, sounds it on.

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the program follows the man also Sigmund Trondheim, when he takes on his first date. The date has however not been looking for a boyfriend – yet.

– I would really like to have a girlfriend, and it to be in the here documentary has done that I have come much more out in the environment and has got several gay friends and have been on several dates. I am more free, and I do what I want. Of course, there is still a long way to go, but it is really a step in the right direction, but I have always been behind in love, he says.

Although the documentary series has not yet aired on tv, Sigmund Trondheim already received many positive inquiries from people who have seen the programme on modern art.

– It is pouring simply into with sweet messages from people, and many say that they can relate to the things I go through. It makes me so happy. It is my goal to be with. No one is perfect, and it is okay. But it is important that we know that no one is alone.

You can see the ‘Is He in hell?’ from now on modern art or on DR3 on Monday evening, at 22.