In the Verbeke Foundation near Antwerp can accommodate Museum visitors in works of art. Too sensitive you should not be.

By Jacqueline Lang Jacqueline Long, E-Mail

It is pleasantly warm in the intestine, at least when the heating is on. And you get used to it, to spend the night in a huge institution, it is not also strange, that there is indeed a window, but no curtains. From inside the window, release the views of wild nature, outside, curious visitors can have a look. You see: a double bed, a table with two chairs, a toilet and a shower. Those who complete forget, it can happen that a visitor presses nose up against the glass, but suddenly beside the bed – at least until 18 hrs. Then the Museum closes, and only the ducks can interfere on the nearby lake the night of rest.

The larger-than-life colon, which bears the telling title “CasAnus”, is a work of the Dutch artist Joep van Lieshout and stands on the Grounds of the Verbeke Foundation. Its total area covers twelve acres of woods and Meadow, and 20 000 square meters of warehouses and greenhouses. The “CasAnus” is one of three works of art, in which you can on the site overnight. Art, not only for the devout but also to the touch, Yes even to sleep in it.

The “Blob vb3”, an egg-shaped Structure, is one of the three Accommodations on the grounds of the Verbeke Foundation.

(photo: Verbeke Foundation)><p, The Verbeke Foundation near Antwerp directly to the A-11 is located, is one of the largest private collections of contemporary art in Europe. Launched you has been Verbeke of the art collectors Geert Verbeke and Carla-Lens more than 30 years ago. It all started with collages and assemblages of mainly Belgian artists on the premises of the transport company of Verbeke. Since 2007, the collection is also open to the Public and since then it has been extended also to contemporary art and so-called organic kind. The artists work with living organisms, with plants, but also animals.

in Total, the collection comprises more than 4500 exhibits. Many of them are aware of it unfinished and turn constantly. The Museum is a “living organism and change its Appearance, therefore, from day to day,” says Verbeke. He is aware that his exhibition has little in common with the classic museums have in common. It’s not always clear where the art ends and the Chaos begins. But just as the collector Verbeke, the looks with the white hair standing out in all directions from his head, even as an artist wants it. The art he collects and exhibits, it is not beyond the world, that’s part of it. The saying “Sponsored by Nature”, is written in large letters at the entrance, it hits pretty good.

How to decompose dead animals? Also shown in the Museum quite clearly

The constant transformation of the world, you can not only watch, you can also smell and even listen to: In a plurality of metal shelves about smaller and larger glass display cabinets. To see it: dead animals and, or even only parts of it. In a small display case, a human Finger is even. All Betmatik objects are each in different stages of decay. Some are wired, a small octopus, for example. A Computer displays via the curve diagram, the electrical voltage generated by its slow decay. Via the speaker you can listen to this process even. It is a quiet, steady noise.

to be issued not only carcasses, live animals, so how about a dozen different chicken species from all over the world. They are part of the so-called Cosmopolitan Chicken Project. The aim of the project is the creation of a chicken, Vanmechelen the genes of all the chicken of the earth clubs, the Belgian artist Koen. The cosmopolitan chicken is a metaphor “for the human animal and its relationship with the biological and cultural diversity of the planet”. Many of the artworks here deal with the man and his relationship to the outside world. That is exciting, surprising and sometimes disturbing.

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Particularly impressive but it is the nature of watching your space back to Robert, Who embarks on a walk around the artificial lake, which eventually comes to a giant scaffolding. On closer Inspection you can see the floor plan of a house, to be more precise: the Cistercian Abbey of Boudelo, which is in the vicinity of Ghent. Between the individual struts of the scaffold 100 trees have been planted. One suspects now that the trees are not covering the scaffolding in the foreseeable future, completely Verde. It is the work of Dutch artist Marinus boezem started to employ skywriting, has already planted 30 years ago, the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Reims in this way. It is a sublime sight, this house of worship of trees. Because the nature is beautiful.

Near the Abbey from trees or scaffolding. It is the work of Dutch artist Kevin van Braak, he called it “camping flat”. As the title suggests, this is a further sleeping facility on the site of the Foundation. On four levels, the artist has lawn stretched in the lofty heights of art, a tent. Each level is to reach over the scaffolding by ladder. Really comfortable although this is not, however, from the top floor you have good views of the entire Area, and at night it is look the ideal place to star.

The Installation of “camping flat” by Kevin van Braak offers a great view of the sleeping bag, however, is to bring yourself.

(photo: Verbeke Foundation)

visitors with a fear of heights can alternatively stay in the “Blob VB3”. The Name sounds just as futuristic as the artwork of the Belgian architects ‘ collective DMVA-Architecten looks like: It is a large white Oval, no Windows. For more than a double bed and a shower there is no space for a large Opening at the front end directly to a dock on the lake.

Who explored the Museum on their own, not even after several hours still not sure to have really seen it all. Behind every corner, in every corner there is something to marvel at. In the vicinity of the entrance as a sign: Unesco Werelderfgoed. But a world heritage site, can it really be? “The Verbeke Foundation is a wonderful place, but, in fact, is not a UNESCO world heritage site,” confirmed a spokesman for the organization. The shield, it is real and yet not real. It is an art. However, world heritage site or not, is a very special experience is only granted to those who opt for one night, and something else Museum: most of The works of art are due to the sparse lighting in the dark to only guess as shadow, everywhere flashes and beeps, chomping and rustling it. The art, she never sleeps.

travel information

arrival: With the car in the direction of Antwerp, exit at exit 11 in the direction of Kemzeke / Stekenen at the highway junction Antwerp-Knokke. Public to drive to Sint-Niklaas and from there bus 41 or 43 to the station “Dri Schowen” in Stekene. From there, about a Kilometer walk to the Museum.

Overnight: In the CasAnus (120 Euro), Blob vb3 (90 Euro) camping flat (50 euros). The prices are all including Breakfast and admission for two people.

Museum: Tuesday and Wednesday only for groups not open, Thursday to Sunday from 11 to 18 o’clock; and the Website is available in German

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