632 Teenagers have been accused of last year at the youth Prosecutor’s offices of the Canton of Zurich because of a violent offence. This is measured in terms of the population – in the Canton of Zurich, more than 110’000 girls and boys between 10 and 17 years of life. But the 52 Accused are more than in the previous year. Thus, the number of youth violent crime rises for the fourth Time in a row. The front of the statistics, which has published the top youth advocacy today is Thursday.

One explanation for this increase in Marcel Grand, the head of the top youth advocacy,. “We puzzles themselves,” he said on Tuesday at a Media conference. Possible that the hot summer has played a role. “If the young people are more outside, then even more happens.” This is statistically clearly detectable.

the giant puts into perspective the rise but also the number of violent offences is solid under the sad climax in the year 2009. At that time, the youth advocates included: 1150 minors perpetrators of violence, after which the number decreased up to the year 2015 to be constant. A good half of the registered violence are not acts to be particularly difficult to classify: It is assault, simple assault, or a threat.

17, male, family problems

A more detailed evaluation of the top youth advocacy shows that most 15 – to 17-Year-old violence, 64 per cent of offences go on your account. Almost nine out of ten offenders are male. The risk factors are statistically known. One of them is the family situation: Only forty percent of the accused living with both parents. Half of the accused, the authorities already known about because of visitation rights disputes, as a result of a risk message or because of a criminal record.

Relevant only about 14 percent of the accused were convicted. “Most of them we see after this a tort”, says senior youth advocate giant. The show that the work of the youth lawyers, the master offered a combination of sanctions and aid, acting well.

More property offenses, and less narcotic

Despite the increase in violent offences, youth crime remains low, it moves with 4787 criminal proceedings on the same level as the last few years. Clearly, the number of property offenses has increased, they accounted for nearly 26 percent of the criminal proceedings. In 2017, the proportion of the assets of offences still stood at nearly 22 percent. The proportion of narcotics offenses dropped from 23 to 18 percent.

Easily, the number of measures decreased. The end of 2018, 41 young people (2017: 44) were housed in a stationary, 154 (2017: 158) were in outpatient treatment. Usually it is multi-year measures; new six inpatient and 56 outpatient treatments have been prescribed in the last year. The expenditure for the measures amounted to 17.4 million Swiss francs per year; at the peak of the wave of violence in the years 2009 and 2010, the expenses amounted to 30 million Swiss francs. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 11.04.2019, 09:33 PM