in 2017, got married in Zurich, about 8200 pairs in a registry office. This number is for fifteen years, pretty much the same, but the population has grown in the time. In particular, many younger people have moved in the best age of marriage according to Zurich – the most marry between the ages of 25 and 34 years. The bottom line is: The people of Zurich to marry less often than in the past.

A study, published by the Statistical office of the Canton of Zurich, shows that in the last year (2017) per thousand inhabitants was 5.5 marriages were concluded. In 2002 there were seven, at the end of the 1960s, nine per 1000 inhabitants. It is, however, still above the national average: 4.8 Marriages per 1000 inhabitants.


test test Well … The folk wisdom”, who is eternally binding”, have internalized the people of Zurich in the last few years, apparently. They marry later and later. A woman is now in her first marriage, an average of 29.9, a man of 32.2 years old. Thus, the spouses are, on average, one year older than ten years ago. In 1970, unmarried couple spent even almost six years before tied the knot. The husband is on average two years older than the woman.

This Trend towards later marriage shows, according to Hans-Peter Bucher, the scientific staff of the Statistical office, in the city of Zurich is particularly strong. He explains this by, among other things, that there’s a lot of people, especially more women, a lot of time in training and professional investing.

unmarried mothers

the average age at the birth of the first child increases the later the marriage, the older the parents:. It is 31.1 years, in 1970 it was still nearly 26 years. To marry where a pregnancy is less and less reason: One-quarter of the newborn is brought by an unmarried mother to the world, in 1990 there were only seven percent.

the number of single mothers, but also the number of couples who have children without being married has Increased. The number of remarriages is in decline. On the one hand, there are proportionately fewer divorces, on the other hand, to marry the Divorced not so fast as before.

male couples

in 2017, in the Canton of Zurich 245 same-sex couples to register their partnership. The number is stable, about three-quarters of the couples are male. Men and women are, on average, between 40 and 45 years of age, if you are in a registered partnership.

same-sex couples to settle down appears to be particularly frequent in the Canton of Zurich: Almost a third of the Switzerland-registered partnerships registered in Zurich. Every third male Couple in Switzerland to enter, lives in the Canton of Zurich. In the case of women, it is every fourth or fifth Pair.

Multicultural marriages

In Zurich, forty percent of the marriages are mixed nationally, this number is since 2002, are quite stable. Swiss more foreigners marry the inside as the Switzerland of foreigners. Every sixth marriage, both spouses have a foreign passport.

In the case of the mixed-nationality Marriages of Swiss men married in the last few years, most often women from Germany, Thailand, Kosovo, Brazil, Serbia and Italy. The Swiss women were especially marriages with men from Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Turkey, Serbia and Macedonia.

Created: 18.12.2018, 17:26 PM