wow, that Pascal is unable to cope in the latest advertising spot from the Coop a bit, as he goes for the first Time with his proteges alone in the forest. Because he has underestimated the Size of the forest, the planned walk, a longer hike. Also, the food allergies of the children are a challenge for him. However, Coop is his salvation. There, he finally found the lactose-free chocolate drink for Nino and the gluten-free bread for Lara.

“Coop. For me and you. And Pascal,” is the Slogan of the latest commercials of the retailer. Many of the Kindergarten teachers, this is not, however, well. So a Zurich teacher finds that the Video conveys a completely wrong image of the profession. “None of us is as unprepared as this man in the Video,” she says to 20 minutes.

“Coop represents Kindergarten teachers are bad,”

all of the studied teachers were: “And alone, with children one must anyway not in the forest.” Also, you would buy your kids never eat at the supermarket: “the parents worry.” That Coop is a verb such lies ride and Kindergarten teachers so poorly performing, it was completely incomprehensible. “The large group is not even our official job title Kindergarten-to-use teaching person.”

A professional colleague twice after: “it bothers Me that men are portrayed in the Video as unprofessional. As a minority in this profession, we are faced anyway with prejudice.” Just in the Canton of Zurich there is a big shortage of Kindergarten teachers: “With the Video of Coop, the Image will only be worse. Who has the desire to learn this profession?” A large group would be expected that he be tested, such promotional videos have been better.

detail dealer receives a lot of positive reactions

The teachers had complained to the Coop and the Zurich teachers ‘ Association ZLV informed. The ZLV has demanded that the Coop already, the immediate removal of the Videos, as Vice-President Kurt Willi, on request, says: “After Watching the hairs stand me to mountain.” It will show that Coop-I have no idea from the kindergarten teaching profession: “It would have been Easy to show a teachers Association in advance of the Video to comment.”

Coop is not planned to remove the Video, as it is called on the request: “We received a lot of positive reactions to our Spot and believe that he is understood in the first place as it is meant to be: with a twinkle in his eye.” Ultimately, the Spot will show in a humorous way, that Coop is for everyone. With the ZLV you will, however, take contact. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 26.04.2019, 11:47 PM