Federal Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD).Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa
the Federal Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD) want to have long contract periods. Generally speaking, contracts should allow for only a maximum period of one year. This is especially true of contracts for the cell phone or the landline.
This is the “Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper”.
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for two-year contracts, according to the report, part of a package, with the Minister for consumer action against the suspected costs and a key issues paper lists from your Ministry Changes. In addition to limiting the term of the contract, the project was directed against illegal telephone advertising, and high collection costs.
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In the case of the issue of contract periods Barley receives support from the Union. “Where – is, such as, for example, in the gym or phone contracts – necessary, we support improvements for the consumer,” said the CDU Deputy Sebastian Steineke, the Rapporteur in charge of the Union group, the leaf. In other areas, he doubts, however, the maximum duration of one year: For services that are performed only once a year, he wants to check, whether the proposal from the Ministry of the disadvantages for the consumer. (Tsp)