Tampereen Pyrintö, according to assistant coach is not approached athletes inappropriately.The pirkanmaa district court sentenced James Phillips and Muhamed Toyrayn rape. Miika Kangasniemi / AL
tampereen Pyrintö B girls basketball CHAMPIONSHIP series team assistant coach James Phillips and his friend Muhamed Toyray has been convicted of rape.
the Men met at the Tampere central square at night 14.11.2018 intoxicated woman. The trio left the men’s apartment.
the Woman, according to Phillips and Touray forced him to the apartment several sex connections. The woman told me that she said several times ”well” and ”I don’t want” and crying. He tried to struggle against, but was unable to prevent the men.
Phillips and Touray raped the woman several times. Phillips raped the vagina and Touray into the vagina, mouth and anus. The act caused the woman intense pain.
at Least part of the time work one of the men held the women hostage, while another raped.
the Men deny the crime
Phillips and Toyrayn according to any rape did not happen but the women themselves wanted to have sex and invited the men to take turns. Court did not consider this credible.
the Screen talked about rape for a woman called last night to his sister hysteerisessä mode. His story was logical and believable, and medical research to support it.
the Woman got to work on post-traumatic stress reaction, and is still in a bad mental condition.
the Prosecutor is demanding a man for the punishment of aggravated rape, but the court concluded that the act was the basic form of rape.
the Work is not unauthorized use of
James Robert Phillips (p. 1992) was sentenced to two years and one month imprisonment for rape and foreign infringement. The latter sentence came from the fact that Phillips is a U.s. citizen and had resided in finland for more than 90 days without a residence permit.
Muhamed Toyray (p. 1999) was convicted of rape and 3.11.2018 incident of sexual harassment of two and a half years in prison.
the Men were ordered to compensate the victims for their temporary harm and mental anguish total of 10 000 euros.
the District court put them in cold rapids to jail to await further processing. All the parties have indicated their dissatisfaction with the verdict.
morning journal news coverage of the issue for the first time on Saturday 30.3. Ilta-sanomat told about it. At that time the judgment had not the morning paper held. Pyrintö executive director of the Jarmo Chevron reported on Saturday that the team made Phillips with coach contract in October.
Phillips worked with the team as assistant coach to three rehearsals. Chevron, according to a team of players has not been approached inappropriately.
Jenni, Count a victim, which tells you what to do, if you have been victims of sexual violence.