Bavaria is again extending the deadline for filing property tax returns. Real estate owners should have three months more time, i.e. until the end of April, said Finance Minister Albert Füracker (CSU) in Munich. One wants to give relief again, especially for the tax consulting professions. You do not want to annoy anyone, but to carry out the entire tax process properly.

With the renewed extension of the deadline, Bavaria pulls out. No other federal state wants to extend the official submission deadline beyond January 31, as a WELT survey showed. Originally, the deadline for the new property tax returns was even scheduled for the end of October 2022. There they are putting on gentle pressure in the coming weeks.

The German Tax Union (DStG), which represents the interests of the 120,000 employees of the tax administration in Germany, considers the renewed blanket extension of the deadline to be superfluous. “I would have thought it more expedient if the Free State had explicitly asked those who had not yet submitted their property tax return to submit a declaration,” said DStG Chairman Florian Köbler.

In many federal states, people reacted with incomprehension to the announcement from Bavaria. “Last week at the finance ministers’ conference, all countries agreed not to extend the deadline. Again Bayern goes it alone. Solidarity and reliability between federal states looks different,” said Hamburg’s Finance Senator Andreas Dressel (SPD).

An extension of the deadline at this point does not solve any problems, on the contrary: it creates new ones. Schleswig-Holstein’s Finance Minister Monika Heinold (Greens) said: “We are sticking to the deadline, as agreed between the states. The fact that Bavaria is deviating from the federal-state agreement may be due to the election campaign.” Elections will be held in Bavaria in October.

Even the CDU-led finance ministry in Wiesbaden does not want to follow the CSU colleague from Bavaria. Finance Minister Michael Boddenberg made it clear that an extension of the deadline was not necessary given a response rate of 75 percent in Hesse. “The feedback over the past few days suggests that many people, while not making it to the deadline, are on their way and will be handing in in the coming days and weeks,” he said.

Bavaria is going it alone by extending the deadline for filing property tax returns. Property owners should be given three months more time. Bavaria is reacting to the sluggish submission of the declarations.

Source: WORLD

There, as in many other federal states, they rely on an unofficial extension of the deadline – in the absence of sanctions. According to Boddenberg, the Hessian tax administration will only send a personal reminder to all those who have not submitted their tax return by then after Easter. If you still don’t submit it then, you have to expect the tax authorities to appreciate the information.

“Nobody should let that happen,” said Boddenberg. The tax administration in Saarland, for example, intends to refrain from setting late fees, estimates and, if necessary, penalty payments until the beginning of May, said the State Secretary for Finance there, Wolfgang Förster.

The Ministry of Finance in Rhineland-Palatinate pointed out that there were fewer declarations received in Bavaria. While in Rhineland-Palatinate there was talk of a tax rate of 75 percent, Bavaria currently gave its rate as 68 percent. “The promised simplicity of the Bavarian model does not seem to be obvious to many citizens,” it said in Mainz. Bavaria is the only federal state that has opted for a pure area model for calculating future property tax. They also want to stick to the deadline of January 31st there. The return in Rhineland-Palatinate has recently increased continuously – and will continue to do so, according to expectations, in the coming days.

Lower Saxony also spoke out against a further extension of the submission deadline – for psychological reasons. “Experience from the first extension of the deadline has shown that such a measure tends to promote hesitant tax behavior,” said the local Ministry of Finance.

We know from the past that the number of incoming tax returns increases again in the weeks following the end of a filing deadline. The tax offices would therefore initially concentrate on processing the declarations received quickly. “The tax offices will then send a written reminder to submit the property tax return.”

In Brandenburg, it is also assumed that you will reach your destination in the next few days and weeks without having to extend the deadline again. “We have now received almost 70 percent – and we will get the rest with repeated appeals, goodwill and a sense of proportion in the near future. Don’t worry,” said the Treasury Department there.

In Baden-Württemberg, too, direct contact will be used in the coming weeks. It is still possible to submit the declaration even after the deadline has expired. “The next step is a reminder. Until then, all owners who have missed the deadline need not fear any negative consequences. The tax offices are accommodating at first,” said the ministry in Stuttgart.

The background is a decision by the Federal Constitutional Court in 2018, according to which the previous assessment basis in Germany is unconstitutional. The tax authorities must therefore evaluate the majority of the many properties by the end of 2023 so that the communities have the necessary basis for collecting property taxes from 2025 in good time.

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