representatives of the indigenous communities in Brazil have warned, Switzerland is strongly against the ratification of this free trade agreement with the Mercosur countries. Because of the ease of market access at the expense of the environment and the indigenous population.
“Who’s feeling towards the environment, can not support this free trade agreement,” said Sonia guajajara language, Secretary-General of the Indigenous umbrella organization APIB, on the Thursday before the media in Bern. It is located with eight other representatives of the Brazilian indigenous peoples on a European tour in its fight against free trade agreements.
Because in the case of the treaties between the Mercosur countries of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, and the EU, and the Efta countries Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein in the profits of the company and not to the well-being of people and the environment.
consequences of Bolsonaros policy
guajajara language was very concerned about the policy of the Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro. This year it has been more deforestation of the rain forest and more fire, deforestation, but also more murders of Indigenous, said guajajara language more. The latest example is the killing of Paulo Paulino, an indigenous activist and “guardian of the forest”, by illegal loggers at the beginning of November in the Bundesstat Maranhao is.
Sonia guajajara language (centre) at the media conference in Bern. (Keystone/Peter Klaunzer)
“If you are buying soy, beef, palm oil and Gold from protected territories in Brazil, you can buy indigenous blood,” said the indigenous tribal leaders Elizeu Guarani Kaoiwà to do so. For Bolsonaro, a soybean plant will have more value than a tree, the head of a cow was more valuable than the head of a Indigenous. Through the agreement’s ratification of the “genocide would be a fact in our country”.
According to the society for threatened peoples (GfbV) has exacerbated the Situation of some 900’000 Indigenous and the destruction of the rain forest in the Amazon since Bolsonaros office drastically. Experts estimated that the deforestation could quadruple by next year, should be continued on the current policy.
According to Julia buesser of the GfbV, 50 percent of intact are today, the rain forest in protected areas or reserves. The deforestation or clearing of not only “fatal consequences” for the Indigenous, but also for the global climate.
Grippy sanctions
support in their fight against the free trade agreement required to get the Indigenous of the green Geneva national councillor Lisa Mazzone. Already today whether to exclude difficult that the production of soya, palm oil, meat, and Gold in Brazil in connection with the exploitation of the living space of the Indigenous, said Mazzone.
national councillor Lisa Mazzone speaks to the side of Elizeu Guarani Kaoiwà, a delegate of the indigenous population from Brazil. (Keystone/Peter Klaunzer)
In the present draft of the free trade agreement the rights of the Indigenous were not mentioned at all and there is no sustainability clause. Mazzone calls, therefore, clear guidelines for the protection of the environment and the habitat of Indigenous and non-slip controls and sanctions, should be violated the standards. It also need an exit clause, as well as transparency and traceability in the production and supply chains.
the Referendum threatened
According to the Department of economic Affairs, education and research (eaer) is adjusted for the free trade agreement Efta-Mercosur at the time of “legally”. How long does the process take, is, therefore, still unclear. Expected to start in early 2020, the agreement is to be signed.
After that, the ratification process in the Parliament starts. The goal of the WBF is that the agreement in 2021 comes into force. But after the agreement in August, the Green party of Switzerland decided to take the Referendum, it should contain no new and binding approach to the protection of climate, environment and human rights.
The SP has announced its support for this. In addition, about 65’000 persons demanded in a Petition to the Federal Council, Guy Parmelin, a March stop at the Efta-Mercosur agreement to be lodged. (anf/sda)
Created: 07.11.2019, 15:23 PM