The Hungarian displaced persons, Central European University, Budapest should be made by the EU to the first European University. The Jens Brandenburg, the higher education policy spokesman of the FDP group in the Bundestag calls for. Europe should not move after the attack, the government of Orban on the freedom of Science “is simply not on the agenda,” said Brandenburg, the daily mirror: “the recognition of The CEU would be a strong Signal for the European higher education area.” Not only the CEU embody the European idea, as no other University. Also, such an approach of the “heavily throttled” idea of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, to twenty European universities would give “new momentum”.

The CEU had announced in December to exit after 27 years of Hungary. Ahead of a long struggle with the Hungarian government, threatened with new reprisals. The CEU was the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, because of their liberal spirit, a thorn in the eye, in addition, the government makes the CEU, founder of Soros for years, the goal of an anti-Semitic campaign.

“Merkel is allowed to take on Orban no consideration”

Jens Brandenburg declared now, the CEU have the opposite of an increasingly right-wing populist environment of openness to the world and a liberal society. Also at its new headquarters in Vienna, you defy right-wing populist hostility. The Federal government should promote “immediately in Brussels,” the CEU as the first European University to recognize: “your party’s friend, Viktor Orban, Mrs Merkel may not take any wrong consideration.”

The idea of the European universities goes back to an Initiative Macrons from the year 2017, the wanted to reasons to 2024 twenty universities that offer a European degree. The European Commission has taken up the idea, in the meantime, however, European University networks. According to a first invitation to tender should be promoted from this autumn, first of all, the six networks with 30 million euros over three years. Such a network should consist of at least three universities from EU member States, as well as additional destinations from other European countries.

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higher education policy in Hungary, Central European University of Budapest

Judith Langowski

ousted From the Federal Ministry of education and research, it was said on Thursday to the FDP initiative in terms of CEU, the appointment of a single University contrary to the idea of networks. The University could apply in this context.