On Friday, the dairy had to Zott warn consumers of its products. Will call you back in eight States – not in Berlin and Brandenburg – cream yoghurt because you can be for Allergy sufferers not harmful to health. Also, the organic Corned Beef, the company Vorwerk Podemus, you should currently enjoy with caution. Foreign bodies in the meat-mass can quickly cost a Tooth. The same is true for the pumpkin seed bread held by aryzta Food Solutions.

And also great providers are no guarantee for safe food. The frozen parsley from Iglo (Code L 8346BR005) contains image Verotoxin end of E. coli that can lead liable for raw consumption to a fever, gastro-intestinal disorders. DM calls back currently several fruchtb rice for babies of the brand “baby love”, because the Little one with the strawberry/raspberry, strawberry/banana or peach-passion fruit-porridge spoons also mould the image of the end of Aflotoxine.

Never have there been so many Food recalls how at the Moment. This shows an evaluation of the Internet portal Lebensmittelwarnung.de that is the daily mirror. On the Portal, the authorities publish since 2011, the company will call for dangerous food, since March of this year, needs are collected items such as shoes, or crockery, as well as cosmetics.

In the past few years has doubled the number of Food recalls in Germany, more than. 75 warnings against dangerous foods 2013, the number of messages is increased until 2018, at 186. The most spectacular case was likely to have been the recall of all Mars and Snickers bars in the year 2016. After a German customer had found a plastic part in the chocolate, had started the US group a recall in 54 countries – also in Germany. In the first months of the current year, the authorities have collected by the way, already 40 new messages.

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food manufacturers must recall products, if you are unsure. In most cases, it is micro-biological impurities and foreign bodies such as glass, metal or plastic shards. Especially common meat and meat products are affected, followed by milk and milk products. According to the Federal Ministry of food per month around 250 000 hits from around 150 000 visitors Lebensmittelwarnung.de. You may want to leave via Twitter about new messages.

“on average, you can expect almost every other day with a recall,” says Axel Haentjes by the Federal Association of the German food trade. Ask yourself: Have become German food worse? No, say consumer advocates and providers. Previously, manufacturers have recalled their products, still and quiet, knowledge of nutrition experts in the consumer Central. But in the meantime, the manufacturers would have realised that honesty was the best policy. The Haentjes, the Association of the food trade, the Department of food law directs. The food manufacturer and the dealer had no more fear in front of an image. “There is no restraint from food, to warn, if these are safe.”

The cases are also rising because the Tests have become better and better

“The companies have become more sensitive,” is the leading Association of the food industry BLL. The manufacturer would not break the world if you need to call back a product, says Marcus Girnau, Deputy chief Executive of the Association. Although the manufacturers have the damage and the cost of the recalls. The number of cases is rising, Girnau also refined the test methods in the food industry and the fact that there is with the Portal lebensmittelwarnung.de for the past nine years a Central platform.

Sarah homes of the consumer protection organization Foodwatch, however, has doubts as to the effectiveness of Lebensmittelwarnung.de. “Many of the warnings come too late”, writes the consumer activist. In addition, the Portal is cluttered and not well known. Houses are missing a Newsletter, the consumer could subscribe to, in order to be regularly kept up to date. In addition to the manufacturers houses, also sees the food trade. The supermarkets and discount stores you should use your Social Media channels not only for advertising but also for callbacks. In addition, should be posted in the stores, both callbacks for in-house brands as well as brands of other manufacturers.

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meat is often Food recalls affected. since 2013

Heike Jahberg

In the food trade doubled, you can see the different “The trade can unmount warnings in the checkout area or on the shelf. However, the Information on the shelf don’t make much. The customer has bought the product already, and it will purchase, perhaps, so quickly,“ says the Association’s representatives Haentjes.