the vaccination for measles in Germany? In addition, the SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach and the Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) are discussing. Lauterbach had told the editors ‘ network Germany, he was “confident that we can soon make such a proposal”. Trigger messages of the world health organization WHO and the children were plant auxiliary cases, Unicef is a global increase in Measles. In addition to travel, the debate was won after a measles outbreak at a school in Hildesheim in lower Saxony two weeks ago.

The duty of influenced Impfskeptiker negative

So the debate about vaccination in the next round. There is so far little scientific evidence, what would bring such a duty. One of the few studies on the topic in 2015, scientists at the University of Erfurt and the RWTH Aachen University carried out in the year. They tried to find out what vaccination the introduction of a part – such as for measles is discussed for the remainder of the vaccination programme would mean, under the assumption that these other vaccines would remain voluntary.

In the study, a group was committed to the first (fictional) vaccination and was allowed to then choose when the second free, whether you wanted to exercise those rights or not. In the other test group, the researchers placed from the outset on a voluntary basis.

It showed that the vaccination has influenced the setting of impfskeptischen people negative: The Impfbereitschaft decreased by 39 percent compared to the group in which both decisions were voluntary. “Get back to their limited freedom of decision-making by actively decide against the other vaccinations,” said Cornelia Betsch of the University of Erfurt to the daily mirror.

The psychologist explores why people do not vaccinate and directed the former study, in collaboration with Robert Böhm from the RWTH Aachen University. Their conclusion: gaps should be closed as a – especially as partial vaccination. Other States were lost in the last years of a vaccination. The reasons why people do not vaccinate should be investigated in more detail.

There is no Central authority, the vaccinations recorded

“It is wrong to point the Finger at the opponents,” said Betsch. The stubborn holdouts are in Germany only a very small part of the population. “We need to take care of the Rest.” That too many were not vaccinated against measles, have also to do with structural barriers in the Impfsystem. There you have to start long before you think about a vaccination.

Many people decided not deliberately against the Vaccination, but you wouldn’t forget it easily, or do not know when the next vaccination is due. This could prevent, for example, by offering vaccinations in daycare centers and for the school entrance examination. Currently there checked the vaccination card, but this is often referred to, which vaccinations are still missing. More effective is to be able to the lack of vaccinations directly on the spot to catch up on.

such A Visit, the Subjects in the GDR. The Doctors came in nurseries, kindergartens and schools, coupled with a General vaccination. Up to the age of 18. Age had each GDR residents, a total of 17 vaccinations endure. It was written to, when the next vaccination was due. For such a solution – however, without the vaccination behind it – also calls Betsch. “It urgently needs a Central body that collects information about who is when been vaccinated against the disease.”

More about

negligence to Vaccinate Unicef sees alarming rise of measles cases

These aspects would be considered in the current discussion about the vaccination too little, so Betsch. “If you look at the German Impfsystem, can we be surprised that the vaccination rates are so high.”