For the first time added a economic policy bill on the parliamentary table which is based on an agreement between the social democrats, the Centre party, the Liberals and the Greens. We want the jobs to be more, to the climate challenge should be met, that welfare should be safeguarded and that the knowledge of the school will increase. Societal challenges to be solved. Sweden shall be a society characterized by community, freedom, cohesion and respect for the individual’s choices.
We expect that gdp growth this year will be slightly lower after a couple of years with very high growth. At the same time has the labor market continued to develop strongly. The unemployment rate has dropped. Employment has increased. Orderliness prevails in the public finances. Sweden has the lowest national debt since 1977 and the highest employment rate in over 25 years.
The budget that the Conservatives, the Christian democrats and The sweden democrats voted in december – when Sweden still had not been any government – led tax cuts of around sek 20 billion. At the same time can happen not wait and therefore, we now submit a vårändringsbudget with reforms in the 4.5 billion, funded dollar for dollar.
For the first time added a economic policy bill on the parliamentary table which is based on an agreement between the social democrats, the Centre party, the Liberals and the Greens.
Our prosperity will be secured with a high level of employment among both women and men and better conditions for entrepreneurship, innovation, exports and job creation. A job provides the opportunity to self-sufficiency and self-determination. High employment is also the basis for the financing of our common welfare.
the Unemployment rate is still too high in certain groups, and the unemployed have too often the skills that employers are demanding. The difference in employment between native and foreign-born is still large.
in Order to meet employers ‘ needs for skilled labour strengthen the government efforts to equip job seekers and, in particular, enable actions within the local jobbspår as employment offices, municipalities and employers collaborate on. In this work to foreign-born women a priority.
the Government wants more sole proprietors to a greater extent dare to take the step to hire. It is therefore proposed that the reduction of social security contributions, for the first employee, will be extended to two years, instead of as in the day of a year.
in Order to take our share of responsibility and live up to international obligations that Sweden will become the world’s first fossil-free välfärdsland. In the year 2017, the Swedish Parliament decided that Sweden no later than 2045 no longer have any net emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The ambition is to klimatomställningen shall be made in such a way that everyone has the opportunity to be a part of the solution.
With the help of economic instruments, we should ask if society in the environmentally friendly direction and to help more can make climate-smart choices in their daily life. Environmentally harmful subsidies need to be phased out in Sweden as well as globally at the same time as we implement a powerful green tax reform.
in Order to reduce carbon emissions, the government proposes, for example, that Klimatklivet be expanded to be able to support the cost-effective klimatinvesteringar in the whole country. A part of the support is directed particularly to the investments in biogas and laddpunkter for electric vehicles in the home.
nature Conservation need to be strengthened in order to protect valuable habitats and endangered and acute endangered species. This should be done at the same time as legal certainty for landowners and businesses are strengthened and it ensures that landowners receive financial compensation for restrictions in the ownership and brukanderätten in the extent to which they are entitled. Appropriations for the protection of, and measures for valuable habitats, including compensation to landowners, it is proposed, therefore, be strengthened.
A well-designed, general and tax-funded welfare is important to even out the people’s living conditions and contribute to equality and gender equality. In addition, the support of such welfare a high rate and a good economic development.
When it is born more children, and the elderly are living longer, increasing the needs in the welfare system. The government will continue to pursue a policy that enhances welfare. Waiting times should be shortened. The economic security of pensioners who have worked and paid tax all their working life shall be strengthened. Disabled people’s opportunities to participate in work and society should be improved.
anyone who has the right to support in personal assistance (LSS) will get it. The government intends that in the spring to introduce a bill to help with breathing and feeding should provide such basic needs that can give the right to personal assistance. Therefore, adding the government now funds for increased costs which the forthcoming amendment to the legislation can bring.
in order For the teaching to high quality teachers the time to prepare and develop their teaching. The government therefore proposes a long-term investment in teaching assistants in the school.
the Opportunities to live, study and work in the whole country to be improved with broadband internet access, roads, railways and housing construction. Rural development is crucial for the whole of Sweden. Created in climate-smart energy, healthy and safe food, and values that contribute to jobs and welfare.
In 2018, led an unusually warm and dry summer of fires and drought. In order to improve our ability to deal with the consequences of the drought, the government proposes that funds be allocated to support farmers, to replace local authority costs and to strengthen the municipalities ‘ capacity to prevent climate-related accidents.
the Parliament announced in december 2018 that the vat on a nature tour should be raised to 25 per cent. The government would, however, still promote this business, which is carried out not at least in smaller companies outside of the metropolitan areas, and therefore suggests that the lower rate should prevail.
With januariavtalet as the foundation we build now, change that is sustainable over time. We want to create the conditions for a society in which cohesion and security go hand-in-hand with people’s freedom and opportunities. So we want to take the Sweden forward.