When the election results became clear was the red-green the largest bloc in parliament. But the Alliance with the Conservatives in the lead, together with The sweden democrats, ousted yet statministern. This is despite the fact that they had no own regeringsbildare to set up. Since its located in Sweden in a political vacuum.
It is clear that the Alliance had no common plan for how Sweden should be governed. Now have 80 days passed since the night of the election, and they still have not agreed. The distance between the bourgeois parties today is as far as our country. The alliance exists in practice, no longer a political project.
During the election campaign said Ulf Kristersson that there is a need for more adults in the room in american politics. But he and his party’s conduct after the elections has left much to be desired in regards to be the adult in the room. Sometimes we have wondered if the adults had gone home.
today is governed in Sweden by a caretaker government consisting of the social democrats and the green Party. For the first time in our country’s history, a transitional budget is handled. It is because we are the parliamentary parties have not yet managed to find a solution to regeringsfrågan and then Sweden, all the different parts still be able to continue to operate.
It is not reasonable that a newly elected government, with a budget of its own, should have to realize that the Conservatives took the scope that existed before the new government has even taken office.
because of The situation, we must, until further notice, live with a transitional administration and a transitional budget. It is in anticipation of a new government takes office and may submit the proposal for changes in the state’s budget of its political orientation. This is not a permanent solution. The transitional budget as presented does not solve the major societal challenges. It is not intended to do.
It is needed to create stability. But no one really wants a transitional budget, it is not anyone’s favorite, but just a transitional budget that will now be tested. What happens now will form the practice for similar situations in the future.
In this situation, notifies the Conservatives that they want to exercise in the övergångsbudgeten. The conservatives actions have put pressure on the rest of the bourgeois parties to act in the same way, and this despite the fact that they know that it is not a reasonable order.
If the Conservatives own budget goes through, it means that övergångsbudgeten folds and the transitional government must govern with the Conservatives economic policies. At the moment it looks like it can become a reality, as the Centre party and the Liberals will vote on their own budget proposals in the preliminary polls and then abstain in the final vote.
A M-budget is expected in the final vote, also get the support of the Christian democrats and The sweden democrats. Then the fall of the interim government’s budget and the temporary government needs to govern the country with a M-budget because a caretaker government cannot resign.
A budgetmotion that, particularly in a situation with time constraints and the uncertainty, it becomes difficult to control the state apparatus with in an orderly and stable manner. This means that all the parties, with the Conservatives in the lead, helping to create the chaos. This despite the fact that Conservatives together with the former Alliance is smaller than the red and green in the parliament. This despite the fact that the Moderates and the former Alliance delivered a serious regeringsalternativ. This despite the fact that the former Alliance industrialized Ulf Kristersson recently was voted down when he was tried in parliament. This despite the fact that Conservatives backed in the election, and is considered as the big losers. This despite the fact that the Conservatives have approved the process and the principles on which the transitional government has been working for in connection with the övergångsbudgeten.
the Conservatives behavior puts the parliamentary approach from the games, the central government and government linked. It is not reasonable that a government, which can’t resign if it did not get through its budget, shall be to deal with a situation that the Conservatives are creating with the support of the SD, a racist party. It is also not reasonable that a newly elected government, with a budget of its own, should have to realize that the Conservatives took the scope that existed before the new government has even taken office.
the Conservatives power is likely to create chaos in an already uncertain situation. But the party has barricaded himself behind his talepunkt that Sweden has an interim government, but ”not a övergångsriksdag”. It hides the fact that the relationship between parliament and government is a delicate combination of constitutional rules and recognised practice. It is perfectly reasonable to want to change on the relationship. But it is hardly what Conservatives have expressed either now or in the other context.
But there are those who want to work with övergångsbudgeten to go to in a responsible way.
the Left party during the last parliamentary term, negotiated with the government on the budget. We have also been involved in and concluded several blocköverskridande agreements. It has been a rewarding two-way street. Sometimes we have received as we want, sometimes not. But we have the basis of the mandate we received from voters tried to get through as much as possible of our policies. It resulted in over 90 jämlikhetsreformer, including 10 välfärdsmiljarder per year to municipalities and county councils, the right to deduct the tax for fackföreningsavgiften and free medicines to the children. At the same time, we have kept the public finances robust.
We expect an orderly and responsible process with övergångsbudgeten. We believe that it should pass through parliament, as it was intended when the legislation was adopted, and that the principles it is built on refers to to ensure. The left party will of the reasons not to add any own budgetmotion in this location. We have strong enough faith in our economic policy – with concrete solutions to the problems and challenges in our contemporary world – to present the single for the Swedish people and in the parliament, as soon as the conditions in the regeringsfrågan is clarified.
Since the SD came into the parliament their goal has been to try to create chaos. Jimmie Åkesson has revealed that he sent a text message to his secretary, where he wrote ”Give them hell” when the party chose to trap the government’s budget after the 2014 elections. The decision created just chaos and led almost to an additional choice.
the Conservatives have increasingly taken the following SD’s policies and rhetoric. We hope that they will not take after the SD’s behaviour in general. It would be detrimental to Sweden’s democracy and economy. Ulf Kristersson claims that he wants to be the adult in the room. It is time that he realize that in time, when a new government was in place, the parties in the riksdag present their own economic policies: either as regeringsbildare, partner or opposition. Let us maintain such a regime, a prudent order. It expects the voters of their elected representatives.