The accumulation of events in a single day has not made him lose, however, the number two position as the richest person in the world, behind the French fashion magnate Bernard Arnault, who dethroned him last January, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

The fortune of the owner of Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter reaches a total of 164,000 million dollars after the cut. The coup has moved him away from Arnaud’s 211,000 million and has brought him closer to his immediate competitors, the founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, with a net worth of 128,000 million, and the co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, with 122 million dollars. .

The first scare came on Wednesday when Tesla investors sent shares of the electric car maker tumbling 9.75% to $162.99 after reporting first-quarter 2023 results the day before.

Wall Street analysts had expected revenue of $23.617 million, but the company stayed at $23.329 million, despite the company’s high margin of 19.3% profit per vehicle sold.

But the main problem was the price cut announced by the company at the beginning of the year to stimulate demand, which caused a 24% drop in its net profits in the first quarter of the year, up to 2,513 million dollars, compared to the same period of the previous year. Investors did not forgive.

Musk’s stake in Tesla, including stocks and options, makes up the bulk of his fortune, though SpaceX has become increasingly important as its valuation has skyrocketed.

As Tesla’s downfall was brewing, Musk witnessed firsthand the explosion of the Starship rocket, the most powerful ever built, during its first test flight from SpaceX’s Boca Chica facility in South Texas.

The spacecraft blew up about four minutes after takeoff over the Gulf of Mexico, putting Musk’s dream of completing a new mission to the Moon and even Mars on hold. At the beginning of January, the company launched a financing round in which it raised 750 million dollars and was valued at 137,000 million. A figure that could change in the coming days after the rocket fiasco.

As if this were not enough, the tycoon has decided this Friday to carry out his threat to remove the blue verification checks from the accounts of Twitter users who do not pay the eight dollars that he has imposed. A movement that has caused a wave of reactions on the social network.

Not only that, but Musk has also wanted to give the subscription to Twitter Blue to various celebrities such as the NBA player, Lebron James, the writer Stephen King with whom he has already fought in public over the price of the subscription, and for William Shatner, known for his role as Kirk on Star Trek, among others.