in recent months, the police have hårdsatsat against it the so-called vishing-crimes. Telefonbedrägerier where the victim is tricked into opening their online banking to the decepticons with the help of a bank-id or e-id.

After violent crime reached record levels in August, a decision was made to go into the one in authority calls for a national special event, tell the police now.

” We saw a development of this type of crime, where it is only increased. Despite several efforts made, it just continued to increase, ” says Lotta Mauritzson, brottsförebyggare on the police national bedrägericenter.

means a form of stabsläge where the police in this case can reprioritize its resources to address the problem. Examples of other times to use national special event is before the election, after the terror attack on Drottninggatan shopping street in 2017 and in major demonstrations.

In this case it has mainly been about that you wanted to get to a centralisation and an overview of the investigations. Because a perpetrator may have victims across the country have fallen many times become sprawling and svårhanterade for polisregionerna.

– Investigations are conducted generally in polisregionerna, so also in this case. The contribution we can make at the national level is coordination and an overall picture of the crime. All the notifications coming in are an important piece of the puzzle, ” says Lotta Mauritzson.

in Addition the police have also been able to implement a series of awareness-raising campaigns targeted at potential victims of crime by other authorities and external parties.

gear up , they see no clear results. Even if the crime statistics for October and november is somewhat lower than in the months before the dare not observe any reversal of the trend.

During november the fraudsters in the country over a total of 23 million, according to police figures. So far this year is about over 200 million.

As a part in the operation, the police have now chosen to target crime prevention initiatives towards young goalkeepers. That is to say, the persons who receive and forward the money that the fraudster will over. Often sent the stolen money through several stages through the service Swish before they cashed out and given to the one who committed the fraud.

a thousand cases in the year can the police say that about 70% of those who set up with their bank accounts is between 15 and 25 years.

– The youngest we encountered was only 12 years old at the time, ” says Lotta Mauritzson.

Many of them do not know that what they are doing is criminal and it is also not uncommon that they are either threatened or tricked into the business.

Now do the police, from Thursday, a new information campaign targeted at potential goalkeepers. You will go out with information on Facebook and other channels targeted towards young people with the hope that more will understand that the activity is criminal. Secondly to complicate for the decepticons but also for their own good.

“the Banks get under the law is not participate in money laundering, then you will be convicted of such an offence you can get difficulties with your continued contacts with the bank, for example, of loans,” says Lotta Mauritzson.

But it is to a large extent, the banks themselves that decide how their customers use the app.

After the dialogue with the police has several of them on the recently introduced restrictions in the service to make it more difficult for this type of crime. Lotta Mauritzson do not want to say which bank it is but notes that it started to give effect.

Also, Stefan Larsson, investigators in the south region who are working with fraud, mean that the banking restrictions have made it more difficult for the decepticons. However, he is not believing that neither it nor any of informationssatsningarna made some long-term solutions.

– Those who do this are smart and will always in new ways. It is necessary to place those who engaged in the fraud, even if it is for other crimes, it is important that they go fast, ” he says.

the Decision on the national special event that was in the beginning of september and will be evaluated after the end of the year.

Read also: So was the first decepticon

Read also: Record number of fraud cases notified in the year

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