Glitter is used extensively in, inter alia, eyeshadows, highlighter and lipstick. Despite the beautiful colors mean some researchers that the product is an environmental villain because it contains mikroplaster, which is small plastpartiklar who are under five millimeters long.
The small plastbitarna easily moves through the filter system to the world’s oceans, where fish eat them up. Without action, there can be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050, according to a report from the Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation, and the regional activity centre for sustainable consumption and production, which operates under the UN environment programme for the Mediterranean.
glitter in cosmetic products has long been a hot topic. In the british newspaper The Independent, several researchers warned of the glittrets negative effects on the environment. Even today it is prohibited to use glitter, which contains mikroplaster, in scrubs.
But some researchers go further than this and want to see a total ban. The criticism has led to 62 music festivals in the Uk prohibits the glitter on their festivalområden which shall enter into force in 2021. the Similarly, of the 19 kindergartens in the country removed the glitter when the children make christmas cards or similar craft.
In Sweden, the question is if the glitter is significantly cooler. The fda emphasizes that the product has a small effect on the environment, however, can the debate have a positive effect nonetheless, says the authority.
– Despite the fact that cosmetics is a small source of mikroplaster in the environment, it can be a gateway to people becoming more aware, which later leads into the larger debate, ” says Josefin Liljeteg, head of unit for the cosmetics, the medical products agency.
come into the spotlight can according to Josefin Liljeteg depend on to make people sympathize with the makeup products that damage the environment, especially because cosmetics are rarely considered to be a vital product as a medicinal product.
the DN has been in contact with some of the country’s major sminkbolag. Skönhetsföretaget Lush has chosen to replace the harmful plastbitarna with a synthetic version of the natural mineral Mica, which is the international name of the mineral mica. The shimmering replacement, including bath melts and duschgeleer.
Even Kicks sells plastfritt makeup under their own brand. According to Josefin Hard, director of sustainability at the Kicks, Sweden has not come as far as the other countries with regard to the awareness of mikroplaster. In Sweden she has not noticed a similar debate such as is going on in the Uk about the glitter.
often associated with glitter and the other playfully is festspecialistföretaget Butterick’s. The company purchases cosmetics from a dozen suppliers, and the glitter contains either synthetic or natural Mica.
Makeup is a large part in the fest and masquerade, in addition to cosmetics had a larger role in social media, as more parts of their makeups with before and after pictures, ” says Stina Petrini, market – and business development manager with responsibility for sustainability issues at the Butterick’s.
in the Future, she believes that a discussion of the glittrets environmental impact can increase in Sweden. In particular, as consumers continue to demand eco-conscious options in terms of cosmetics.
“We are aware of customers who come to the stores and asking questions, I think that all debates where there are greener options is welcomed the debates, then there is a willingness to choose products that contribute to a reduced environmental impact,” she says.
in order to avoid mikroplaster in their products. In a comment to DN, type the company that they have banned mikroplaster in cleaning products since the 2014. However mikroplaster in products such as nail Polish.
in the Future, Echa, the european chemicals agency, put forward a new proposal on the prohibition of the mikroplaster. The proposal is to prohibit the mikroplaster which are added deliberately in chemical products, such as cosmetics. If the proposal would enter into force, it would be a restriction on the EU-level.
Read more: Mikroplast in the body wash is prohibited
Read more: DN:s mapping: Sminkjättarna as the phasing out of the criticised chemicals