People crossing the street, eating, driving, on a plane or on the subway. The Apple Vision Pro, the mixed reality glasses from the apple company, are starring in the most diverse scenes this week, some of them bordering on the ridiculous and others on the dangerous side, but at the end of the day Apple has achieved what it had been doing for a long time. that he couldn’t achieve: that everyone talks about his new product and that they want to try it. Something we have achieved in EXPANSION.

In fact, since 2015, when it launched its Apple Watch, there have not been so many exceptions, but this time it is even more striking, since the Vision Pro are currently only for sale in the United States and cost a whopping $3,500.

Luckily we have not had to travel to the other side of the Atlantic or spend that amount to test Apple’s landing in augmented reality and be able to attest or not that we are facing a true technological leap. Javier Escorihuela, CEO of Isostopy, a company in charge of developing virtual, augmented or mixed reality solutions for companies, specifically traveled to New York to obtain two Apple Vision Pros and bring them to Spain. Some to try and start working with them. The others, to leave them well stored and unopened and wait 20 years for their price to have multiplied.

To begin with, it must be said that the Apple Vision Pro are the glasses in their category with the best design. Its ‘ski goggles’ style actually hides 12 cameras, 5 sensors and 6 microphones that allow interaction with them to be almost science fiction. In addition, the front plays with false transparencies and colors in the purest Apple style depending on the degree of immersion that the user has.

As for the straps and their comfort, they are designed to be worn only with the wide strap that goes along the back of the head, but they also include an additional one that goes from the forehead to the neck, to improve grip and not slip. rest on the face for so long. In my opinion, it is still a device that is not designed to be worn for many hours, as it is not as comfortable as it should be and in my case, with a small face, the grip bothers the time of use.

Another point against is the battery, which is external and if you do not want to have the headset connected to the power you must carry it with you, as another accessory that lasts two hours and weighs more than a cell phone.

These drawbacks go unnoticed when trying the glasses, although at first it can be difficult to get used to them. As Isostopy assures, it is like the first time we picked up an iPhone, we had to learn certain gestures that we now have very integrated. With the Vision Pro it is necessary to learn to use your gaze as a mouse pointer and your hands as a ‘click’. And within a few minutes, everything seems to work magically.

Although other competing devices also have eye tracking or gesture control, Apple greatly improves these functions. It’s as easy as focusing your eyes on an icon, pinching it with your fingers, and it will open. To type, a virtual keyboard is displayed before your eyes on which you can type with your hands in the air or directly looking at the keys.

Likewise, glasses allow us to see the reality that surrounds us and at the same time interact with screens and virtual elements, or if preferred, enter only the virtual world. This was already invented, but what makes the difference with Apple glasses is the quality with which it offers these options, both when viewing the outside world with the glasses on and the content. The explanation is that the micro-OLED lenses of the Vision Pro have 23 million pixels, which translates into a resolution greater than 4K for each eye.

Open a movie and move the screen around the room or enlarge it until it seems like you are in a cinema, surf the Internet or use one of the more than 600 applications that can be downloaded in the Apple app store, it becomes quite easy and intuitive. once you get the hang of it. And image quality counts.

Likewise, the interaction with virtual reality applications, with 3D formats, is excellent, which opens up a wide world of possibilities for companies to use. “From our point of view, the great potential of the Vision Pro is more on the professional side than on the private user. Thanks to its quality and performance, the contributions it can make in fields such as industry, education or training are incredible “explains Escorihuela.

Apple has decided to enter this low ground in the name of the arrival of Spatial Computing, moving away from terms such as virtual reality and even the metaverse with a good strategy and a very well-rounded team that opens up many possibilities. But carrying them on the street or driving with them today is impractical, unless you want to attract attention.

“Apple is one of the few companies in the world that can afford to release a product in which they have invested more than 15 years of research without expecting an immediate return in the form of sales. They play more in the long term, positioning themselves in the immersive technology sector as the quality alternative, redefining terms as they have always done. Not many people will buy this device, but hundreds of thousands will try it in the brand’s stores. For many of them it will be the first time they come into contact with virtual or augmented reality glasses, and that first impact will be associated in your mind with Apple,” says the Isostopy manager.

A well-rounded team that is making many headlines but that at the moment is reserved for the pockets of very few and that could be very useful in professional fields, but not so much in individuals. For now.

Will the Apple Vision Pro revive interest in the term Metaverse? “Probably not, given that Apple has distanced itself from it, betting on the term “Spatial Computing”. Will this launch have a positive impact on the extended reality sector? Without a doubt. People who make use of these experiences will seek to go for it gradually integrating it into their lives, and that means using devices from more manufacturers and developing content of all kinds,” explains Javier.

A device that whether we like it or not, has arrived marking a turning point.