queries of Andrés Manuel López Obrador seems to have no end in Mexico. Nor does the ambiguity of his speech. The president-elect has proposed on Wednesday to launch a new question to the mexicans to see if they want their Government to investigate possible crimes of corruption of the administrations of the last five presidents. At the same time, it has indicated that it would prefer not to do so to avoid a confrontation and to move forward with projects of their Executive. “I’ve been telling you that is not my strong vengeance, and I don’t think that’s good for the country that we empantanemos in chasing alleged corrupt,” he said Tuesday at the output of an act.

Shortly after, in an interview with journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva, was: “I Am against corruption since forever and I think that is the main problem of Mexico. I think that never in the history of the country had suffered from so much corruption as in the neo-liberal period”. However, the president-elect, stated that in his opinion the best decision is to leave in the past acts of corruption of the governments that preceding. “It is best for the country, in a State decision, a final point. And say we’re going to forget that horrible story,” he said.

This Wednesday, the politician has added more ingredients to the debate. The president-elect agreed to the proposal of the journalist Carmen Aristegui of putting to consideration of the mexicans in the creation of the National Guard, the permanence of its advisory council of entrepreneurs and the corruption investigations against the five last presidents of mexico. The president-elect, even, has been launched to formulate the question in its referendum: “do you Think that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexico’s president, must promote which is judged to have justice and not just to persecute scapegoats and a review of the responsibilities in crimes of corruption and other crimes to Carlos Salinas, Ernesto Zedillo, Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nieto. Yes or no?”.

López Obrador has not defined when it could perform the query, but it has been argued that to enter into a process of scrutiny to previous administrations to generate an atmosphere of confrontation between the mexican. The president-elect, however, has pointed out that if there is a Betasus popular petition to investigate the corruption acts of his predecessors, will put in place the research. “If people say: “we Want justice’, justice is done, from top to bottom. I am a democrat and I’m going to lead by obeying,” he said. The politician clarified that the judicial processes that are open for corruption will follow their course.

The statements of Lopez Obrador, nine days of assuming office, have been shocked to various sectors in Mexico, given that the president-elect insisted, being a candidate, that one of the priorities of his Government would be the fight against corruption. That prospect brought him numerous supporters fed up with the wave of corruption during the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto and the politicians of his party, the PRI. “This statement constitutes, in the best case, an amnesty for acts of corruption and the networks that made them possible, and, at worst, a pact of impunity to be agreed upon with the outgoing government”, points bonus veren siteler out in a communiqué, the civil society organization Mexicanos Against Corruption and Impunity.

Even the president of the PRI, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, said his criticism of the position that Lopez Obrador has about the subject. “We can’t applaud that you look the part of a person to subvert the law, declare amnesties, and that will not comply with the responsibility that will the institutions that integrate the National System of anti-Corruption,” he said. Mexico ranks 135 out of 180 countries evaluated by Transparency International in the Index of Perception of Corruption.

This is not the first time that the president-elect of Mexico generates controversy with statements that do not delve on the way in which their approaches will work in practice. During the campaign, he suggested an amnesty for criminals and even to push for a law to delimit the sectors that could benefit from it. The political is not explained in detail how it might be implemented the amnesty, which resulted in the discomfort of the family members of some victims asked him to stop the proposal.