The bullet is through the church. Theresa May can serve as a leader of the British Conservatives and as prime minister of the United Kingdom. During a vote of confidence in got the majority of the Tories are behind their leader. The result was a bit after 22 o’clock Belgian time, published by Graham Brady, the chairman of the ‘1922 Committee’, the committee of members of parliament of the British Conservatives.

200 Conservatives voted for, 117 party members voted against it. There May, therefore, sufficient support, and should they not retire as leader of the party. They had at least 159 votes needed, the threshold was comfortably exceeded. However, it is clear that more than one in three Tories not happy about their prime minister.

also Read Everything you need to know about the vote of confidence in against Theresa May

“After this vote we must now continue to work on the construction of the brexit for the British people and build a better future for this country,” said May, after the end during a short press conference. They stated that they have a renewed mission promises to return the country to bring together.

Theresa May wanted to absolutely stay on as prime minister. During her statement that she for the vote, gathering her official residence in 10 Downing Street said they will fight for her position as leader of the Conservative Party and as British prime minister, “with everything I have in me”. She painted himself as a loyal partijsoldaat, who is in charge has taken in the interest of the country.

Rees-Mogg is claiming dismissal

Despite her victory, wants the aartsconservatieve backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg still that May resign. He had a decisive influence on the vote of confidence in, and promised shortly after the publication of the brexitdeal all his trust in May. “It is a terrible result for the premier,” said Rees-Mogg tonight on the BBC. “The premier should realize that they, taking into account all the constitutional standards, urgent to the Queen should be to her dismissal.”

According to minister of transport Chris Grayling, a loyal supporter of May, she achieved a “comfortable” victory.


For May is the brexitdeal “a crucial moment”. “We are on the verge of re-gain control over our borders. We can again gain control of our economy. Therefore, I want my task as prime minister absolutely continue,” said the British prime minister. She still believes that it can: “It is within our reach”. On her tour to European leaders yesterday, she said that she “had made progress”.