When it should have been a marked reduction of emissions instead becomes a increase, that means more than a lost year in the climate change process. Just like with other difficult job, it means that the effort be postponed until tomorrow, and then becomes even more difficult. The pace of emission reductions needs to increase, it will become more difficult and probably more costly to reach the targets that were already hard to reach.
one half of One percent doesn’t sound much, but if it’s in 2018 is not going to reduce road traffic emissions at all, it goes without saying that it should very much if they this year and the coming years will be able to reduce the 8 per cent annually, which is required to achieve the environmental objective by 2030. There it is only twelve years old and the time goes fast. If nothing radical happens, the risk is that the 8% required in the current situation will get very many more per cent in some years.
when it comes to climate research in Sweden. About a third of the total domestic emissions of greenhouse gases from domestic transport, and road transport accounts for the largest portion.
Overall, it is grim when it comes to utsläppskurvorna in Sweden, nor the total national emissions are reduced at the rate required for the achievement of the climate objectives.
it required tougher measures and that the changes must be made in all sectors for everything hangs together. The simple quick solution does not exist. Biofuel may not fix all of the challenges of climate change, is simply not enough to both air and road.
Transport is not only a question of renewable fuels or energy-efficient vehicles. It is also about what the increasing of the lorry transport, which services are necessary, and which can be replaced by something else. Then, it is also about issues like consumption habits, and urban planning.
need traffic overall is reduced, there must be more alternatives to car travel and truck transportation. The need for solutions that can manage the big picture and then the necessary policy instruments at both national and international level.
Unfortunately, the developments in Sweden the international. Last year increased global emissions of carbon dioxide for the second year in a row after having decreased for three years.
It is like to swim against the current; the distance between where we are and where we need to be in order to reach the climate targets has increased, in spite of all the scares.
Read more: countries of the World must triple climate action.