Moderate or lower salaries to help the companies overcome the crisis would be “the worst things”, warned Saturday the secretary general of the FO, Yves Veyrier, for which the government should not “orchestrate” the “little music”. Take the pretext of the health crisis to lower the wages in enterprises in serious difficulty, “it is what we fear, this is what we do not want”, has hammered Mr. Veyrier at the micro Europe 1.

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“The little music of the wage moderation in the face of the situation of output of a public health crisis and the gradual recovery of the activity would be the worst thing. I don’t want her to be orchestrated by the government through the device of activity partial”, which supports 84% of the net salary in the majority of cases, he added.


If employers have a lower wage as the only alternative to layoffs, this would be a form of “unacceptable,” of “blackmail,” according to him.

The minister of Labour Muriel Pénicaud has recently called on the companies to limit the “risks on the job”, by negotiating possibly “agreements of collective performance”, a possibility opened by the ordinances work for 2017: by this means, the employers may, through an agreement with the trade union organisations representing the majority of the staff, reduce working time and pay in a period of crisis.

For Mr. Veyrier, “it is necessary that the State, whatever it costs, is also involved in order to protect employment, but also the purchasing power of wage earners”. Lower wages would also be detrimental to the consumer, and therefore to the recovery, he argued.

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“If you remove a few tens or a few hundreds of euros” to the employees, whose median salary is about 1,800 euros net per month, “it will not count” that they can buy a car or go out to restaurants more, he observed.

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