Trafikexperten Jan Söderström is attacking the local government unhealthy way to use parking meters, and felparkeringsavgifter, p-fines, as a source of income to improve the municipal budget. I agree with Jan Söderström of the Swedish system of parking fees and hours needs to change. He refers to the German rules as a model. We also have a lot to learn from our nordic neighbours. It is all about consumer protection and the rule of law, and that private parkeringsbolagens freedoms are being limited.
the Debate so far has touched the public parking rates, which are operated by the municipalities. The really big parkeringsinkomsterna we have no idea about, namely the parkeringsbolagen.
from the 1950s and 70s, as managed by the municipalities and that is about parking on the streets and squares, and a private who deals with all the other parking. Municipalities may only charge fees for that, as it is called in the law, ”organize the traffic”. The government sets the ceiling for the highest felparkeringsavgift which may be charged, in the day 1300 ce, It is clear that it is troubled over the municipalities ‘ way to use parking charges as a cash cow, but it is still about the exercise of public authority, where we citizens have the right to transparency and various procedural safeguards. Allows a municipality wrong, you can blame the municipality and the decisions taken.
The private parkeringsövervakningen is managed by parking that are regular traders with profit and without that the citizens have insight in what methods they are using at the pricing, how their possible incentive system for cashiers look
The private parkeringsövervakningen is managed by parking that are regular traders with profit and without that the citizens have insight in what methods they are using at the pricing, how their possible incentive system for cashiers looks, etc. Legally apply in the private system to the park included a contract with the provider of the parking lot and the motorist is considered to have accepted all the signs and all the messages on the parking meters, m.m. Violates the ”agreed” terms, has parkeringsbolaget the right to take out the inspection fee, in principle, no matter what excuses you as a motorist can have.
They may certainly not take out fees over what the municipality is allowed to take out, but you have as a motorist is not entitled to transparency. Their cashiers do not need to have specific training for municipal cashiers. If you protest and end up in court, trust the courts more on the parkeringsvakternas testimony – even the private guards than on bilförarens story.
When the rules on private parking control was introduced in the 80’s, the legislature wanted that the two systems would be as equal as possible, and it has brought various benefits for parkeringsbolagen. Many believe that the private companies in fact perform a kind of authority without having to give motorists the transparency or the procedural safeguards that apply to municipalities. This is unsatisfactory.
In Norway, cashiers do not have the salary, bonus or other benefits which depends on, inter alia, the number of issued parkeringsanmärkningar.
• In Finland it is against the constitution to let private companies carry out parking control with the right to charge motorists sanktionsavgifter and a completely new law on parking control from 2011.
• In Denmark which has given much greater scope for consumer protection aspects. The Danish Parliament has recently imposed on the private parkeringsbolagen to set up a private committee, Parkeringsklagenævnet, with a juristdomare as chairman, and with an equal number of representatives of consumer organisations and the parking where motorists can turn with complaints on parking tickets and get the quick and cheap handling of the dispute (in Sweden you have to go to court).
• In Norway they have taken a holistic approach to parking and introduced a totally new team in 2017 where konsumentskyddsaspekterna emerges strongly. The highest felparkeringsavgiften is in the range 600 b.c. Felparkeringsavgift may not be issued until at least five minutes after a parking time of one and passed out. Cashiers may not have the salary, bonus or other benefits which depends on, inter alia, the number of issued parkeringsanmärkningar. It has set up a special committee, Parkeringsklagenemnda, with representatives of both the parking and the consumer side, which is easily, quickly and cheaply deal with bilisternas complaints.
Our Swedish parkeringsavgiftssystem need to be modernised!