machinery – and plant engineering as well as production have been searched for In no other branch of the economy last year in Switzerland, so many specialists by the job advertisement. 15.6 percent of all job Postings in the German part of Switzerland went to these career fields. In the West of Switzerland, this was true even for almost every fourth ad.

The digital transformation has long been recognized in the traditional industrial world. As a result, companies are looking for professionals ready for industry 4.0 with its digital, networked production capacity and self-controlled processes.

In the case of employers, highly sought-after Employees in the Informatics and telecommunications goods: With a good 13 percent of the job ads, it also of digitalisation-fuelled sector in German-speaking Switzerland was ranked two, in the Romandie, it was almost 11 percent for the third rank. There’s still a stronger candidate were looking for candidate from the Segment of Administration/HR/consulting/corporate leaders (12.2 percent).

The data on Thursday published analysis of the Online refer-provide portal, Jobcloud and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) to. They studied supply and demand on the job market in the year 2018 on the basis of several 100’000 advertisements and millions of clicks on the Jobcloud belonging to portals for the German speaking part of Switzerland and for the Romandie.

Jobcloud belongs to the two media houses Tamedia as well as this news portal and Ringier.

Rare nurses

insight into the labour market, not only the ranking of the occupational fields with the most job ads, but also which ads are pushed in little demand, respectively, of clicks. These are divisions, where there is often a shortage of skilled workers is the speech.

So poking in German-speaking Switzerland, calls for tenders, in particular for construction and engineering professions, as well as for nursing staff, and relatively little attention – especially when it is related to the significantly higher listings offer. Also in the West of Switzerland, professionals from the construction and engineering area are scarce, for nurses and carers but much less.

still, a third category of Occupations: Those with the strongest demand in relation to supply. In the German-speaking part of the country this is especially true for the division’s security/police/customs/rescue. This imbalance, albeit at a low level – was already noticed in the previous years, says Rebekah Hänggi, Marketing Manager at Jobcloud. “A possible influence could have been the campaigns of the police in the last few years, wants to raise its profile as an employer.” There is a clear demand overhang is then across the country for positions in administration, education, and Social.

Röstigraben in the case of part – time and temporary jobs

Examines Jobcloud and ZHAW have, such as part – time and temporary Posts are. “Because we were surprised how big the differences are between a German and a Welsh Switzerland,” says Hänggi. 15 percent of the advertisements were advertised in German-speaking Switzerland than in temporary employment, be this share in the Romandie even 20 percent. In contrast, the interest in temporary employment relationships was in both regions, with a Click share of about 14 percent, about the same – which has led in the West of Switzerland, a striking discrepancy.

A Röstigraben opens also in terms of part-time: In the German part of Switzerland job ads with a 40 – to 90-percent workload came to a share of nearly 22 percent; 80 percent equivalents swayed obenaus. The appropriate Swiss-Listings ratio was 9.3 percent. However, the demand of 11.2 per cent is far behind the German part of Switzerland (21.3%) lagged.

Created: 05.12.2019, 19:15 PM