In tonight’s episode of “Luksusfellen” on TV3, are the experts Hallgeir Kvadsheim and Magne Gundersen on a visit to carpenter Kristian Mikkola (26) in Kirkenes.

The economic problems started for the 26-year-old after he started his own carpenter company several years ago, where he among other things went to the purchase of an office building to one million. At most, he had six employees.

Reveals “Luksusfellen”-the secrets after ten years

After every, this was a great challenge for the young, promising Kirkenes-man, which ended up taking up a mortgage of 400 000 to cover up the expenses for example wages to the employees.

eventually he went bankrupt, and from there the ball just on themselves.

– Largest bill

In the “Luksusfellen”-the episode shows that Mikkola just before the recording got a juicy bill from kreditthåndteringsselskapet Lindorff, on the whole about 1.3 million.

– This must be the biggest bill in the “Luksusfellen”s history,” says a shocked Hallgeir Kvadsheim in the episode.

TOUGH INFORMATION: Here Mikkola an overview of how much money he is going to have to pay every month whether he will be able to pay off its debt within five years. Photo: TV3 Show more

Facing the Newspaper explains Mikkola that he did not know quite how he would react when he got the bill in the mail.

When I had come to a point where I just began to laugh. I paid the already all the money I had each month, so I didn’t know what I should do. I wondered what they really thought when they sent out a bill of 1.3 million. They thought that the money had suddenly appeared, ” he says.

“Luksusfellen”-the experts led rear light: – one of the flaueste I have been on Heavy time

There is no doubt that the economy has created a headache for Mikkola, who the day before “Luksusfellen” came to visit, broke with her.

In addition, he is on sick leave after having struggled with depression, anxiety and burnout.

– I don’t know if I quite managed to take the inward me everything. When they were on the visit, I went just around and smiled and laughed. In retrospect, it was however very heavy. It was very much at a time, ” says Mikkola to the Newspaper.

the Case continues below.

OVERVIEW: Hallgeir Kvadsheim and Magne Gundersen presented for Kristian Mikkola that he has a total debt of 2 287 993 million. Photo: TV3 Show more

After getting a thorough overview of the 26-åringens debt, could “Luksusfellen”-the experts estimate that he has a total debt of almost 2.3 million, including strains from various creditors, attorneys ‘ fees, and private loans by friends.

the Sum was not so far away from what I thought, so it was nice to get the message. It was not surprising, he is acknowledging.

Ran from each other after that “Luksusfellen” came to visit,

Although Mikkola has a high debt to deal with, he has also not been particularly careful when it comes to its consumption. It is especially the food and the touring that has been with to empty your wallet to his.

With an income of approximately 22 000 in the month, he has been forced to pay down its debt with credit, which only brought him deeper into the economic crisis.

In the episode encourages Kvadsheim and Gundersen he thus to sell the car and other materialistic goods, and set up a strict budget for him.

the Case continues below.

GET a STRICT BUDGET: It appears that the 26-year-old, amongst others, have a overforbrukt on food each month. Photo: TV3 Show more

– It has been fine so far. The only thing I have dared to do is to buy food, not anything else. I have made an Excel sheet that I have with me every time I trades. I lead accounting for myself for once, ” he says to Dagbladet.

Not scary

The two “Luksusfellen”-experts trying their best to negotiate good solutions with the creditors on Mikkolas behalf, something which is proving to be challenging. For although more people go with on a deal, there are others who will not.

Met at the Peaks of two years ago. Now they are in the “Luksusfellen”

And thus was the bit about bar hill.

They suggest that the 26-year-old to apply for a government debt settlement. According To The is a government debt settlement an agreement to pay the most possible down on the stand for a limited period, usually five years, to get the plain restgjelda.

however, This is a tough process to get in order, and now, three months after Mikkola submitted the application, he has still not received a reply.

the Case continues below.

LUKSUSFELLEN: Presenter Lene Drange in “Luksusfellen” detects that a participant has kept important information hidden for her. Video: TV3 Show more

In the episode is Kvadsheim, however, very positive that the young people of the Churches-the man is going to get the application granted.

Mikkola saying that he is very happy that he chose to seek help in the TV 3 program, and that he is feeling easier today.

The most important thing I have learned is that one must try to think of what you spend money on. There is generally a very good idea to ask for help before the bikker over. It is not as scary as you think. And it turned out that both Hallgeir and Magne have a sense of humour, so it doesn’t feel so scary, ” he says in conclusion.

Life after “Luksusfellen” Dagbladet Plus