Even the otherwise critical consumer advocates say that 2019 is for many a good year, at least financially. This is because new rules and laws will bring nearly all of the bottom line, more money. The most important Changes in Overview:

job market

Good for the new year for all workers in the low-wage sector, The minimum wage rises. As of Tuesday, employers must pay their employees at least 9,19 per hour. Need to watch out for mini-jobbers: your salary may not exceed, in spite of a higher hourly rate to the limit of 450 Euro, in order to be considered as marginal. For the new year, also called the Bridge part-time. In companies with more than 45 employees have the right to work a part-time employment. The part-time phase can last between one and five years. Companies with up to 200 employees, but must provide only one of 15 the claim.


recipients of Hartz IV eight euros to get in January, on a monthly basis. The rate increases to 424 euros. Who is living with another vulnerable adult in a flat, now gets 382 euros. For children and young people there is a monthly six-Euro in addition.

In addition, are likely to be starting in July, the pensions, again significantly higher. In the West, rising to a little more than three, in the East by almost four percent. From January there is a surcharge also in the case of the mothers ‘ pension. Instead of the previous two pay points are to mothers whose children were born before 1992, to 2.5 earnings points credited.


The 56 million legally more money Insured from January in the wallet. Then, the employer share and employee health insurance contributions back to the same Share. Employees are thus relieved to a total of 6.9 billion euros. In addition, the self-employed benefit from lower rates. Your minimum monthly contribution to the statutory health insurance is cut in half to 171 Euro.

in other statutory insurance, something changes. The contribution to nursing care insurance is increasing from 2.55% to 3.05 percent of gross income, the childless must pay 3.3 percent. In turn, the contribution to the unemployment insurance also fell by half a percent to 2.5 percent. High earners need to adapt, overall, higher social insurance contributions. Because even in 2018, the so-called contribution ceiling, up to the in the health, nursing – and pension insurance, social contributions paid need to be increased again.


For all of the tax rates, the income limits to rise in 2019 to 1.84 per cent, the basic allowance for Single persons in the income tax in the future 9 168 instead of 9 000 Euro. In addition, taxpayers can take for the year 2018, more time for your tax return. The new date is 31 March. July.


parents can look forward to more children’s money. Starting in July there will be a monthly ten Euro more per child, for the first, then a total of 204 Euro. From January the children will be increased exemption amount, the parents instead of child benefits can receive. This is per child 4980 instead of 4788 Euro. In addition, separated mothers and fathers to pay more maintenance. The monthly minimum sentence increases depending on the age of the child between six and eleven euros.


tenants are to be protected from January better against high rent increases. Stricter rules will apply, especially for the landlord, the modernisation want to distribute costs. This can then be charged only eight instead of eleven percent of the costs to the annual rent. Add to this a Cap of three euros per square meter for the first six years after the modernisation.

Also should have to disclose to the landlord in the future, what is the exception you cite, if you require a rent above the maximum rent. If you do not, may require the tenant the money back. Thus, the existing Rent control should be strengthened.


car drivers before 2019, however, a difficult year. From January, all Diesel engines with Euro 4 emission standard or worse from the Metropolitan area of Stuttgart banished, in the spring and summer driving bans on some streets in Cologne, Bonn and the Ruhr area. In Berlin to be imposed, at the latest, in June, bans. Are districts affected eleven sections to a total of eight roads in the city centre.

In the beverage market in the future will be more attention to the environment. In addition to the price the retailers must indicate on the shelf, whether it is in the bottles and cans to one – way or returnable packaging. In addition, customers can get rid of even more at the bottle return machine. Some fruit spritzers and in mixed drinks with whey share, such as Energy Drinks are bepfandet starting the new year with 25 cents.


at the Latest, in the fall of 2019 will have to change some of the Bank customers during Online Banking. Because Transfers are no longer with sent by Post transaction numbers, so-called TANs. Some banks no longer offer the procedure but today, as it is in comparison to the existing Alternatives as clearly unsafe.

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Legal health insurance From 2019, it will need for all the cheap

Heike Jahberg

In the case of telephone calls to European countries a lot of callers soon no longer possible costs. From mid-may upper price limits apply. A minute in another EU country should cost a maximum of 19 cents for an SMS provider not allowed to charge more than six cents.