Jäätanssijat Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue shrugged in the early years of the raise, which was considered exceptionally sexy.This raised caused a stir before the olympics. ZUMAwire/MVphotos
the star couple of the headlines already in the Canadian championships, when Moir raise Virtuen shoulder and Virtue wrapped his legs Moirin of the shoulders around.
the Lift was considered so sexy that a canadian magazine had to think, can the lift images taken from even published.
a Huge stir, the couple had moved to raise a little Pyeongchangin olympic team race. This time Virtue is not wrapped their feet Moirin around during lifting, but the result was still the olympic gold.
– the Decision to change the program due to eventually fact that when we looked at the hoist from the video, it wasn’t so beautiful posture, Moir told The Star in South Korea.
your Personal race in the stir of buying however, again see. The end result was still the best possible: WE-score and olympic gold.
the Stunning olympic success of Moir and Virtue a name in sports as the Canadian broadcasting company CBC by.
This looked like a team race in presented in a lift, in which Virtue left wraps without feet Moirin around. EPA / AOP