Spending on pensions reached a record figure of 12,051 million in September, 10.9% more year-on-year, according to data published today by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration. The ordinary monthly pension payroll exceeded 12,000 million euros for the first time in July and this month it once again sets a new record.

The Department headed by José Luis Escrivá estimates that pension spending stood at 11.7% of GDP in the last twelve months, until September, the same figure as in 2022 (11.7% of GDP), but lower than that of 2020 (12.4% of GDP), a year conditioned by the impact of the pandemic on GDP, and also that of 2021 (12.1% of GDP).

In September of this year, 10,073,434 contributory pensions were paid, 1.2% more than a year ago, to just over 9.12 million pensioners.

After the increase in pensions with the CPI applied since the beginning of the year, the average retirement pension increased by 9.5% year-on-year in September, to 1,376.4 euros per month.

For its part, the average pension of the system, which includes the different types of pension (retirement, permanent disability, widowhood, orphanhood and in favor of relatives), also increased by 9.5% year-on-year, reaching September 1 of this year. year at 1,196.35 euros per month.

Almost three quarters of the contributory pension payroll for September correspond to retirement pensions, specifically, 73%, that is, 8,792.8 million euros. 2,005.9 million euros have been allocated to widow’s pensions, while the list of permanent disability benefits amounts to 1,057 million, orphanhood benefits to 163.9 million euros and benefits for family members to 31. .9 million.

Of the 10,073,434 contributory pensions paid, 6,388,225 are for retirement, 2,352,048 for widowhood, 945,539 for permanent disability, 342,294 for orphanhood, and 45,328 for family members. The number of pensions grows at an interannual rate of 1.2%.

On September 1 in Spain there were a total of 9,121,410 pensioners. Of them, 4.6 million are men and 4.5 million women. The ratio of pensions per pensioner is 1.1 benefits per person.

The pension with the most beneficiaries is the retirement pension, with 6.3 million people. Of them, 60.2% are men. The widow’s pension is received as the main benefit by 1.5 million people, 95.9% of them women. On the other hand, there are 940,705 recipients of permanent disability, 324,627 of orphanhood, and 44,681, in favor of family members.

The system’s average pension amounts to 1,196.35 euros per month. This amount includes the different types of pension (retirement, permanent disability, widowhood, orphanhood and in favor of relatives).

The system’s average retirement pension, for its part, is 1,376.4 euros. By regime, the average retirement pension from the General Regime is 1,533.1 euros per month, while the lowest is recorded by the Self-Employed Regime, 916.7 euros/month. In Coal Mining, the average monthly retirement amount is 2,684.2 euros, and it is 1,526 euros in the Sea Regime. The average amount of new retirement registrations in the system increased in the month of August 2023 (latest data) at 1,439.8 euros per month. For its part, the average widow’s pension is 852.8 euros per month.

The average time for resolution of the files in August (latest data available) was 9.8 days in the case of retirement pensions and 13.7 days in the case of widow’s pensions. It must be taken into account that the maximum resolution period in these procedures, according to RD 286/2003 of March 7 and RD 1192/2021, of August 3, is 90 days for both retirement benefits and of widowhood.

In September, 576,731 pensions received the gender gap supplement, of which 91% were women (524,630). The average monthly amount of this pension supplement is 65.6 euros. Of the 576,731 supplemented pensions, 23% correspond to pensioners with a child (132,619), who previously did not have access to the maternity supplement. 47% of the beneficiaries have two children (271,429); 19.4%, with three (111,767), and with four children, 10.6% (60,916).

The gender gap supplement, in force since February 2021, consists of a fixed amount, after the revaluation applied in 2023, of 30.40 euros per month per child, which is applied from the first child, unlike the maternity supplement former. It is requested at the same time as the pension is requested.

For its part, the monthly pension payroll for Passive Classes amounted to 1,474.1 million euros in the month of August, the latest data available. This figure represents an increase of 154.6 million euros compared to the previous year, 11.7% more.

The number of pensions in force was 696,194, 13,280 pensions more than in the same month of the previous year (1.9% annual variation).

The State Passive Classes Regime fundamentally includes military personnel and civilian personnel of the General Administration of the State, the Administration of Justice, the General Courts and other constitutional or state bodies, as well as officials transferred to the communities. autonomous.