Jori Lehterä denies the crime. In pre-trial investigation he told that main factors for the alleged man is his good friend, whose detoxification one he paid.

the Police preliminary investigation based on the NHL hockey player Jori Lehterä the two men, who prosecutors claim to be cocaine, the league’s prime factors. Lehterän that the cocaine story one access to pre-filled contained, in 1984 was born the man is his friend.

Lehterä, inter alia, the report of preliminary investigation in that he has paid his friends detox.

In 1984, born in tampere technologies was a police telekuuntelussa in may, when Lehterä played with him:

Lehterä: Hi there.

Friends: Moro.

Lehterä: Huh.

Friends: Moro.

Lehterä: Is when I think about it, that can you to visit here.

Friend: Yeah. Then when I get back to Tampere. Go to sometimes.

Lehterä: yeah, Yeah, it at some point.

Friend: Yeah, okay.

Lehterä: Here is all the [list name]. Here o lot of people.

Friend: yeah, Yeah, okay.

Lehterä: Come say hi.

Friend: all Right, bye.

Drugs Fat lady big drug trial began Monday, the Pirkanmaa district court. Mika Kanerva

Also in 1993, a man born was in contact with the Lehterään in may. Lehterä was the remote surveillance data at the time of Jämijärvi.

Lehterä told the preliminary investigation, that he became acquainted in 1993, to man the previously-mentioned through one of his friends. In 1993, the born is one of access to pre-filled contained cocaine case.

Lehterän according to a man not part of her normal circle of friends and not related to work, sport or hobbies.

Hearing the 1993-born man told me that Lehterä asked him for a ride from Jämijärvi to Tampere. When a man from Jämijärvi, Lehterä began the man, ask him for cocaine.

Lehterä told the hearing that he was at his friend’s bachelor party. He denied that he tried to purchase cocaine. He told that contact was all about yard work.

the Suspect was Lehterän mökilläJori Lehterä kiekkoili this season Philadelphia Flyers shirt. / Mvphotos

When the police are watching the 1993-born man’s car in August, they saw it drive Lehterän cabin in the palm of the peninsula.

Lehterä also admitted that she met in 1993, a man born nightclub Fat Lady Tampere several times in June and July 2018. Lehterä said at the hearing that the visits were linked in 1993, a man born to the work of the Fat Lady.

In 1993, a man born, in turn, told the hearing that his only “work” the Fat Lady June-July was cocaine sales.

the Man also reported that he sold small batches Lehterälle a total of 6-8 grams of cocaine. The man claimed that the transaction took place in Tampere in bars.

Other hockey players in the page was

in Interrogation Lehterältä were asked also in 1984, a man born links to other hockey players:

preliminary Investigation has revealed that besides you [1984-born] is dealing with several other well-known hockey players. Tell me for what reason, an interrogator asked.

– Probably that’s why, when it’s nice and social type. It knows a lot of people, Lehterä replied.

Questioning Lehterä controversy all the time of the crime and also denied using cocaine.

Lehterää not be reached for comment. Her name published because he is a worldwide known athlete and role model, whose possible drug use or possession has a social significance.