for the First time, several cloned monkeys have come up with a deliberately-induced genetic damage on the world. To contribute to the exploration of circadian disturbances, such as the official Xinhua news Agency with reference to two articles in the Chinese science magazine “National Science Review,” writes. The five macaques – which have an identical genetic make – up had recently been in the Institute of neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai born.

research on the cloned monkey, the focus is on the so-called circadian rhythm. He is brought, if he is disturbed, people with sleep disorders, Depression, Diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. For the first time were the scientists, so that five monkeys with the same genetic Background, wrote Xinhua.

Eckhard Wolf from the gene centre of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, called the research a “huge logistical performance”. If ethical and scientific evidence, so an Experiment is necessary, think it not objectionable. You should but the question is: “What’s the Benefit for the people of the suffering that it causes to the animal,” he said. This is each Time a individual decision.

“Before there were genetically modified monkeys and cloned monkeys. The system combines, for the first time“, said Rüdiger Behr from the Leibniz-Institute for Primate research in Göttingen. The advantages Behr to find better cures for diseases. The genetic material of individuals of a species differed in the Details considerably. The make it difficult to develop drugs that every. “In the case of an identical copy of this variability, one gets a clearer statement,” says stem cell biologist. For Europe and Germany, he did not think that such experiments are feasible. “We have clone no ambitions. This is a thing that could not be convey in Germany also.“

After Chinese scientists due to their Gene – and clone-were experiments, highlighted the state Agency that the research programme had been monitored by the ethics Committee of the Institute “in Accordance with international Standards for animal research”. The publication follows on from the scandal of a Chinese researcher who had announced in November the world’s first birth of genetically engineered babies. A woman is still pregnant. His Experiment has triggered global outrage.

In a investigation report, the government said on Monday, the researchers, He Jiankui have traded illegally. He alone has collected the financial resources and the supervision by the University withdrawn. The scientists had announced on Youtube that he had tampered with the Genschere Crispr/Cas9 embryos, to make them against the AIDS virus HIV is resistant to. The twins Nana and Lulu are supposed to be healthy come the world.

concern for the application of the method in people

Also in 2017, for the first time in China, the successful cloning of monkeys is controversial, because the primates are so similar, and that the concern for an application of the method in humans is growing. The state Agency Xinhua reported, in the new Experiment with the Monkey in Shanghai, the researchers have been turned off by gene mutations in the embryonic stage of the decisive substance BMAL1 to the regulation of the circadian rhythm in order to create a suitable DNA donor. A genetically modified monkey had been selected, had the most significant genetic disease characteristics.

The fibroblasts were used for cloning. The cell nucleus was transferred into a seedless egg. It is the same method, with 2017 as the first of the cynomolgus monkeys, Zhong Zhong, and Hua Hua cloned had been. Some 22 years after the birth of clone sheep Dolly, the monkeys were in Shanghai cloned. Although this technique was managed at over 20 animal species such as cows, pigs, and dogs, were researchers failed until then to monkeys.

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germline therapy, Crispr/Cas9 in China, Probably the world’s first genetically modified babies born

Florian Schumann

had been used During that time, the fibroblasts from an aborted fetus, they would have taken the researchers now have a genetically modified male monkeys. “It shows that, in addition to a fetus is also a gene ditierter male monkey can be used for pooled cloning,” said Qiang Sun of the Institute. The step show that China’s cloning program is pre-Mature. The Director of the Institute, Muming Poo, said that the research will focus on models of cloned monkeys with different brain diseases. The effectiveness of drugs should be tested. (dpa)