Hateful words yesterday at the Congress centre in Thun. That Meyer Burger has disappointed its shareholders is nothing New: Already for the seventh Time in a row, the manufacturer of the machine in the red and can not pay any dividend.

Meyer Burger has, thanks to its cutting-edge technology in the future solar industry pregnant found time and again investors have thrown in fresh money. But now, the Board has applied one of these new investors against: Petr Kondrashev, a Russian billionaire living in Austria. He thinks about his Liechtenstein company Sentis Capital according to its own information, a good 6 per cent to Meyer Burger and is thus the largest shareholder.

Kondrashev occurred yesterday not in tuna, but its representatives were various allegations to the resigning Chairman of the Board Alexander bird. The reason: In March, Meyer Burger took part in the UK Start-up Oxford PV. Meyer Burger paid for the stake with its own shares. And Oxford PV has made these shares immediately to money.

profit of 55’000 Swiss francs

the Credit Suisse, the Bank of Meyer Burger was able to help: she was looking for investors, which would take over the shares. As an incentive was compared granted and the then market price, a discount of 11 percent. The Credit Suisse offered the action shares a great deal of Meyer Burger to the shareholders to purchase, small shareholders could not benefit.

Noteworthy: According to a notification of the stock exchange is also a member of the Board of Meyer Burger to the shares and a profit of 55’000 Swiss francs. Meyer-Burger, President of the bird came out to the General Assembly as the purchaser of the title. His shares, a vote of confidence for Meyer Burger is buying. “I am very sorry, if this is now put in a bad light.” For reasons of time to have the funds for the participation in Oxford PV is not a normal capital increase. Among the shareholders, the Argument was only moderately well – one spoke of a “stark insider business”.

another Investor, Urs Fähndrich, has gone a step further: He has submitted at the beginning of the week because of financial injury to the shareholders a criminal complaint against the Board of Directors of Meyer Burger. Both the public Prosecutor’s office the Bernese Oberland, as well as the public Prosecutor’s office III of the Canton of Zurich confirm on request the input of fähndrich’s display. Now to be examined, who was in charge.

contracts on your own law firm

The major shareholder Kondrashev officer business lawyer Thiemo Sturny bird took account of a further point under attack: Meyer Burger has years of legal services at the Zurich law firm, Meyer Lustenberger Lachenal. Attorney bird is a co-owner of the firm. “It is more than unusual that a listed company refers to virtually all their legal services from the office of the President,” said Sturny.

Anton, Karl, a representative of Kondrashevs Sentis Capital, the Meyer Burger boards of Directors prior to throwing, you have hidden a increase in its own fees. This, by the Board of Directors Michael Splinter appointed delegates, and his fee was billed in the Budget of the Executive Board. This Splinter seemed never as a delegate of the Board of Directors. Operationally, ‘ve always had a CEO Hans Brändle. Actually Splinter in the commercial register was entered never as a delegate. Bird defended itself that there are “different interpretations” of the concept of a delegate.

Kondrashev-representative Karl accused the Board of “sandbox games”, and received the applause of the shareholders. However, When the votes of the shareholders were behind Meyer Burger and also approved the remuneration report with a 62 percent ” Yes ” votes. ()

Created: 03.05.2019, 15:46 PM