Sami Kapanen leaves Lugano.Sami Kapanen, 45, is the kalpa of the major shareholder. AOP

coach next season the swiss HC Luganoa, news, Savo Said.

Sword league season ended in the regular season, but Kapanen gave a strong display, especially in Switzerland, by taking his troops to the year to everyone’s surprise, Spengler cup victory.

Kapanen worked kalpa’s head coach for two seasons. He had a contract for next season until the end.

Savon Sanomat according to the information Kalpa head coach for rises Tommi Miettinen .

the evening paper reached Kalpa ceo of Toni Saksmanin , but he did not comment at this stage of things.

the case of the modified clock 14.25: Added Saksmanin on the phrase.