Jesper Four said head coach Wolfgang Pichlerin are things missing athletes sex doing.Jesper Four was the weekend of the Östersund world cup in quick race 41:p and chase, 33:p. EPA / AOP

I have never denied them having sex, but it would be good if they do it for a hobby. Then they can focus on better preparing for and games. They have so much time during the rest period, that they can have sex then.

I Saw announced in the Swedish ampumahiiht own team’s top coach Wolfgang Pichler expressen’s story in the Östersund world cup.

the Swedish team has two couples: olympic winners Hanna Öberg and Jesper Four and Peppe Femling and Anna Magnusson .

Experienced Wolfgang Pichler coach of the Swedish biathletes. AOP

the evening paper inquired nelinin on Sunday in Östersund, if he abstained from sex for the world cup period.

Four replied maire below with a smile, until download.

Pichler is like a clown, the Four set off hotel good mentally valued by his coach.

the Swede is a sex stuff totally disagree Pichlerin with.

This thing is not for her to decide.


He doesn’t know anything, Four to laugh.

Öberg and Four are charged östersund in different places – as well as the Femling and Magnusson.

– It is not picle the choice. It is mine and hanna’s choice. You know, we’re 24/7 together, so this can be a good thing for us Four to do.

Four was the Saturday MM-quick way to 41:p and Sunday’s pursuit in 33:p.

Öberg caught on the weekend # 4 and 5.

If the connection to the image Nelinin and Öberg appears on your device, you can watch it here.