In the center of the “Bullshit Castle” – freely translated: “the castle of madness”. This is the unflattering Name, the Airbus boss Tom Enders, a special Department of the group. This Strategy and Marketing Organization, in short SMO, was for the sale of aircraft and other equipment. They also employed a number of agents, the agents reportedly arrived with questionable orders. 2016 Airbus the “Bullshit Castle” was short-hand, and showed itself in London.

Now, new documents show for the first time, that a part of the operations of this SMO ran via Switzerland. It also shows that the Geneva justice is now part of the international investigation. Through the beginning of 2017 at the request of French investigators, the Swiss luxury apartment of an employee of this infamous SMO Department.

New documents surfaced

The French proceedings for corruption against the SMO-man. His Department should specifically have in the sale of Airbus satellite in Kazakhstan, bribes paid. Nine million euros were allegedly to a dodgy agent with good relations in the environment of the Kazakh President. So Airbus have received the order.

The new documents in the corruption case, Airbus came to the magazine “der Spiegel”, as well as to the French Portal Mediapart and were evaluated by the journalists network EIC. In Switzerland, the Recherchedesk of Tamedia and the Swiss television RTS are involved.

14 million euros to Mali?

According to the documents obtained from France, the suspect agent was paid in the case of Kazakhstan, via the Geneva-based private Bank Lombard Odier. In the meantime, several squad of Airbus were heard to this payment, in Paris. They say unanimously that this payment was “irregular”. You have violated “internal rules.”

The Airbus-man from the infamous SMO Department is not only because of the Kazakhstan-If targeted by the Swiss judiciary. He is now accused in a second case of corruption of the Prosecutor’s office of Geneva. 14 million euros is to be paid to officials in Mali. The Geneva lawyer of the person Concerned denies any wrongdoing.

Behind the mysterious company Samit is according to the documents, a man by the name of Abbas Youssef, called “Joe”.

The Switzerland shows up, finally, in a third complex of the Airbus scandal. In the year 2003 sold to Airbus, seven long-haul aircraft of type A330 on Egypt Air with an order volume of € 900 million. In the new data from the corruption investigations for a mysterious company by the name of Samit, will now appear. It has received according to the contracts of 10 million euros to government officials in Egypt for this aircraft-lobbying jobs. The treaties say that any corruption is to be avoided, but the documents also show that Samit has not spent the 10 million itself, but on the instructions of Airbus to more agents distributed. The funds ended up also in the case of a man who is already convicted of corruption in another case, in Geneva.

Behind this company Samit, a man by the name of Abbas Youssef, known as “Joe is in accordance with the documents”. He was one of the most sought-after agent Airbus. “Joe” had to manage a house in Corsier near Vevey, and had his shops by a whole Armada of lawyers and Trustees in Zurich, Geneva and Zug.

Swiss banks in focus

Joe mandates came through his Advisor in the 90s to huge wealth. However, in the last three years, he appears to have lost control and made over $ 165 million in losses. His family took over and finally the shops. As they went through the documents, they found the strange Deals with Airbus.

Joe’s family sent all the documents to the anti-corruption investigators in Paris, the identify in the case of Airbus. For Joe and his business partner, the presumption of innocence applies.

And so also a number of Swiss lawyers, Trustees and banks on the Radar of the French are now. Once more. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 29.03.2019, 17:53 PM