A study from think tank the Brookings Institution shows that states including Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa – all crucial for the Donald Trumps presidentvalsseger – are anticipated to suffer from the development made in research of Artificial Intelligence.

Fabriksjobb is still a dominant arbetsgivarkraft in these areas. Approximately 27% of the jobs are considered to be at high risk to disappear in the coming years as a result of further automation. In states such as New York and Maryland are a little more than one fifth of the jobs in the same högriskzon.

this Study has looked closely at the tasks carried out in the 800 jobs and the proportion of these that could be automated by 2030 with the help of the technology that is available today.

the low-Skilled workers face a challenge with the automation spread in livsmedelsservicen and construction industries; industries which have been an emergency fallback for many people, writes Reuters.

also Read: Artificial intelligence is able to reduce the company’s environmental impact