The air pollution, especially from Diesel exhaust gases remains in many German cities is higher than allowed In at least 35 cities the EU limit value for harmful nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the past year exceeded a first balance sheet of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The new data from the German press Agency. For 28 of the 65 cities that exceeded the threshold in 2017, are not even all the Numbers for 2018. The highest burden was in Stuttgart with 71 micrograms of NO2 per cubic meter of air in front of Munich with 66 micro-grams.
in Spite of the high values of the Federal Environment Agency has argued mayor Dieter Reiter against driving bans for diesel vehicles. Reason for this is that the city of Munich had placed the beginning of 2018, the measuring stations of its own, in order to get in a dispute with the air quality of a wider evidence base. The results show that in 16 of the 20 monitoring stations of the legal annual limit value for nitrogen was met nitrogen dioxide. Only two Times he was markedly exceeded.
“in order for zonal/area-wide driving bans neither proportionate nor necessary,” said Reiter on Wednesday. “But even route-specific bans do not solve the Problem, but would only shift into the adjacent residential area.” The pollutant burden would not be reduced. The administrative court of Munich had ruled that the state of a complaint by the German environmental aid, for Munich, a clean air plan also includes prohibited the possibility of Diesel driving.
UBA: 39 percent of the stations values are too high
nationwide, the air pollution caused by Diesel has decreased emissions slightly in the last year – in the middle of the measuring stations close to traffic for about two micrograms per cubic meter. There were 2017, 45 percent of these stations have high values, they were in 2018, according to a projection by the Federal environment Agency 39 percent. The binding limit value in 2010.
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the reasons for the decline of urban NO2 pollution, according to UBA, speed limits and traffic restrictions, more new cars, Software Updates for better exhaust gas cleaning older Diesel, but also the weather. What has contributed to the reduction, to the office, solely on the basis of the measurement data cannot be determined.
NO2 in cities dates back to exhaust gases from Diesel. Thus, the first driving be justified bans in cities. In Hamburg, were already blocked in the past year, sections of road for an older Diesel, in Stuttgart, you’ll be banished for the turn of the year from all over the city. Other cities – including Frankfurt, Berlin and Cologne to follow this year. The German environmental aid Association had enforced the restrictions in court.
UBA President calls for Hardware retrofit of older Diesel
The Federal government tries to support programs and improvements of older diesel cars to counteract. In addition, the car should be the owner with the premiums for the purchase of cleaner cars moved. UBA President Maria Krautzberger said: “Only clean cars offer safety from the threat of driving bans.” The technology, as well as the legal regime for the Hardware to retrofit older Diesel with catalysts since, and would now need to come quickly. “Because with the current measures it will take too long until we have clean air.”
In 2017, the NO2-exposure was the official measurements, according to the in 65 cities over the limit. The crucial factor is the highest for any year is average in a city. Four of these 65 cities have complied with the limit value in 2018: Regensburg, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany, Solingen, and Halle (Saale). Two cities, the layers of 2017, just still in the green range, exceeded in 2018, the allowed value: In Leipzig and Koblenz 42 micro-were measured in grams of NO2.
The Federal environment Agency receives the data from the environmental authorities of the countries supplied. The balance sheet is based on data from the measurement stations that automatically deliver and hourly values. In may, the values of so-called Passive samplers, which will be evaluated according to UBA. The municipalities also operate their own measuring stations, but not for the EU Directive on air pollutants relevant.
particulate matter limits for the first time since 2005, anywhere
When fine dust (PM10) is adhered to the UBA report success: for the First time since 2005, the limits for 2018 were not exceeded in any Metropolitan area. 35 days in the year, the load in excess of 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air. Only an industry-oriented station in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia Lünen level of 36 days of higher values. For the UBA but that is no reason for complacency, as the world health organization WHO recommends a value of 20 micrograms.
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the concentration of ozone is Increased. In the record summer of 2018, has been exceeded, according to the UBA, the long – term objective for the protection of health – namely, not more than 120 micro-grams per cubic meter, averaged over eight hours-on all 265 measuring stations, for an average of 37 days per Station. It was “unusually often”, it said. (dpa)