Russia suffered on Wednesday a setback on the failure to achieve the election of their candidate to head Interpol to the reaction —late— of the united States and Europe. The south Korean Kim Jong-yang was eventually elected president of the police organization for the next two years. The decision taken by the general assembly of Interpol meeting in Dubai from Sunday, closes the crisis created by the strange resignation of its previous director, chinese Meng Hongwei, after a trip to his country in September, during which he was arrested.

Kim has obtained 101 votes, as opposed to 61 Prokopchuk, according to the minister of Interior of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov, who tweeted an image with the result from the conference room where the vote was taken. “The candidate in russia has been rejected. This battle is won!”, he wrote on the social network.

MORE INFORMATION China investigated for corruption the former president of Interpol, French police investigating the disappearance of the president of Interpol in China

“Our world is facing unprecedented changes that pose enormous challenges to the public safety. To address them we need a clear vision: we have to build a bridge to the future”, said Kim, as reported by the organization on his Twitter account since the assembly is held at the closed door.

The first challenge has undoubtedly been to achieve your choice. Kim, who was vice-president more veteran, has been serving as chair since Meng disappeared in September and sent a letter of resignation after the chinese authorities announced that he was arrested for corruption. In spite of the honorary position, the treaty has not been an automatic process. Faced the candidacy of Prokopchuk, another of the four vice-presidents and who had the support of the allies of the Kremlin.

Europe and the united STATES feared that Russia abused that power, given the precedents in his use of the alerts of Interpol, known as red chips, in order to attempt the arrest of dissidents. Their mobilization in favor of Kim (including threats of Ukraine and Lithuania withdraw from the organization if he was elected Prokopchuk) stopped that possibility.

The Kremlin has said, after learning of the result, which has no reason to think that the election has not been clean but has criticized the mobilization to bet on the south Korean Kim. “Elections are elections… we Regret that our candidate has not Betkanyon yet won, but there is no reason to be in disagreement with this result,” said Wednesday the spokesman of the Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov. “If we remember the recent statements of the various capitals, we can say that the election took place in an atmosphere of pressure and interference without precedent. The choice was difficult”, he added.

The mobilization to prevent the Russian from being done with the presidency of Interpol had grown in recent days, especially after the press published some information that made the calculation of votes and claimed that Prokopchuk was the favorite. On Monday, a United Kingdom publicly defended the candidacy of the south Korean. On Tuesday he became the united States. In addition, a group of democratic senators americans calling for president Donald Trump and the delegates refuse to accept the candidacy of the Russian. Initiatives that the Kremlin, calling her “interference” in the electoral process of the organization. Something that the democratic senators have been sounded as a box on the ear, after the controversy Bonus veren bahis siteleri over the interference of russia in the presidential elections of the USA in 2016.

the controversy surrounding The political use of this organization has been revived by the new allegations that the Russian public Prosecutor’s office on Monday launched against the british financial William Browder, whom Moscow is trying to extradite from years ago for other reasons and on which he has released already several alerts of Interpol —the so-called ‘red chips’ and the closest thing today to an international arrest warrant— which up to now have been rejected by the countries they considered them political. A controversy, that of the growing misuse of Interpol by States such as Russia, Venezuela, or Turkey to harass opponents, which has again come to light in the elections of the president of the organization.

In any case, the mandate of Kim, 57 years old and with 20 years of experience in the police brutality of which will be retired in 2015, will be limited to complete the two years left to Meng, instead of the four years that are typical. “We are very proud”, she commended him immediately the president of South Korea, Moon Jae-in.

The day-to-day of the police organization is the responsibility of the secretary-general, in the present, the German Jürgen Stock, who own Kim proposed to re-elect to the completion of the modernization project Interpol 2020. In addition, it has been renovated to the members of the Executive Committee, including the vice-president for the Americas, the argentine Néstor R. Roncaglia, general Ahmed Naser al Raisi of United Arab Emirates as a delegate for Asia, and the Dutch Jannine van den Berg for Europe. All of them for a term of three years.