The local government Association has warned of the negative consequences of the debate on the expropriation of large housing companies. “Such audience, effective discussions, which are even supported by some politicians, reduces the willingness of private investors to create new and additional living space, in the doubt,” said Gerd Landsberg, managing Director of the cities and Gemeindebunds, the “Passauer Neue Presse” newspaper and its online edition. The hope, expropriation of large housing corporations could alleviate the housing shortage, he described as a “mistaken belief”.

in Addition, be expropriation procedure is extremely lengthy, complicated and often unsuccessful. Also, not a single new apartment emerging. Instead, Landsberg claimed that faster new built apartments and superfluous, the Building will be restricted verteuernde Standards and rules.

The anger over sharply rising Rents have driven on Saturday, several tens of thousands of people in many German cities on the street. In Berlin, where the Problem is as in many large cities is particularly striking, started at the same time a unique referendum for the expropriation of large housing corporations and makes for heated debates.
The Green-Federal Chairman Robert Habeck holds expropriations, in principle, conceivable. If, for example, the owner of idle land wanted to build, nor to the city to sell, must, if necessary, the consequences of the expropriation, he told the “Welt am Sonntag”. The basic problem is that large housing stock to the speculation, had become an object, said Habeck on Sunday. “Hungry real estate funds act only with a view to yield,” said the Green boss. But it must be asked whether the funds would be used for the compensation in case of expropriation, could be used with greater effect otherwise.

Moreover, Habeck suggested that the Federal government should order the Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) immediately, to give all the land to the Federal real estate company at acceptable rates to the municipalities. This would have to undertake but in return, to build on social housing.
in Bavaria, the Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU) to handle Habeck sharp. “Expropriations are now really socialist ideas and have to do with civic politics,” he said the “Münchner Merkur”. The FDP Chairman Christian Lindner, said of the debate in Duisburg: “The expropriation will not create a single new apartment.” It is only private investors would be spooked, which could build new homes.

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the SPD Deputy Stegner: expropriations are the last “self-defense law” of the state

SPD-party leader Andrea Nahles said the “Bild am Sonntag”, you can understand the anger at housing corporations, “they want to squeeze every penny out of the tenants out”. Instead of expropriation of the SPD, wool stop, but a Rent. “And the money available in the affordable housing invest, thus, more apartments”.

opposition she received from her own party. The SPD Vice-Chairperson Ralf Stegner, defended the expropriation as a last “self-defense law” of the state. Expropriations are not sure the most important means to the reason to enforce the right to affordable Housing, he wrote on Sunday on Twitter. “In addition to rent stop, ground the taxation of profits, more and more tenant rights, and the promotion of cooperatives, it remains but self-defense against the free-Market radicalism for the state’s capacity to act!”
But just on the basic law, the initiators of the people’s desire, takes place in several stages and years can take called. Article 15, the to however, learning has never been applied, information of constitutional law under conditions of the Transfer of land or means of production in return for compensation in public ownership.

Housing is a human right and not a commodity “speculators”, argues the Initiative, the hopes of a “socialization” affordable Rent on a permanent basis for all. The initiative aims to support the group, Deutsche Wohnen, which owns in Berlin, around 11,000 homes and dealing with tenants is often the subject of criticism. The initiators gathered on the first day, a large number of signatures. In accordance with your wishes all for-profit companies, which have in Berlin more than 3000 apartments in your inventory would be captured by the socialization.

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madness-Demo Rent in Berlin, United in Protest, divided on expropriations

Johannes C. Bockenheimer

The Green-group leader in the Bundestag, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, called for a billion euros per year from the Federal government to create affordable housing. In addition, an effective rental rate to be used warranty. Federal building Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) has referred to the shortage of housing as a Central Problem in Germany. The Federal government had controlled since March 2018, with numerous measures to be taken against, the success will be felt in the next few years, he said the “Bild am Sonntag”. (dpa)